MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > china joe to be impeached on Jan 21.

china joe to be impeached on Jan 21.

Shokin at the time was investigating the founder of Burisma Holdings, a natural gas giant in Ukraine, of which Biden’s son Hunter Biden had served as a member of the board since 2014.

The U.S. threatened to withhold roughly $1 billion in loan guarantees if Shokin was not replaced as prosecutor general, a message Joe Biden delivered to officials in Kyiv while serving as vice president and recounted during a 2018 Council on Foreign Relations conference.


Great, but there's one problem with that. His Democrap puppet-masters want to help. They were just using him as a vehicle into the White House. Their real goal is to put Hairy-ass in there instead. Impeach her instead.


I'm not even going to touch most of that. But you do realize impeachment requires an actual reason, yes? Stupid conspiracy theories peddled by mindless Trump worshipping drones like yourself don't count as reasons. FYI. 🤪


I wonder how many Democrat heads would explode if one of the freshman Republicans got out on the floor of congress and said: "We're gonna impeach the motherfucker!!".


Who cares what those idiot, QAnon freakazoid freshmen have to say? Let's hear a reason that isn't based on crazy conspiracy theories. Otherwise sit down and shut up. That's what they'll be told.


Well, your hero, fat ass, anti semite Talib did that but that was alright with you.


Don't give me that bullshit. Representative Tlaib does not support the government of Israel, under that corrupt right wing shithead Benjamin Netanyahu. Neither do I. Don't like Jair Bolsonaro much either, for the same reasons. That doesn't make me (or Rashida Tlaib) anti-Semitic. Or anti-Brazilian.

Donald Trump is the most corrupt individual ever to disgrace the Oval Office, by a big margin. He makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. If you impeached him for everything he honestly should be impeached for, the articles drafted by the House would be a stack of paper three feet high.


You really need to stop drinking the Koolaid. You'll thank me.


Funny, I was going to suggest the same thing.

I also notice you don't refute any of what I said. Because of course ... you can't.


Refuting is pointless with people like you. You're in complete denial and will remain so.


Ah, the old why should I waste my time evasion. You people are sooo damn predictable, like a bunch of telemarketers reading from the same script. Which is more or less what quite a few of you are. Paid shills.


Ah, the old boilerplate crap response from a completely close minded drone. You automatons are so damn predictable. A bunch of lock step, hive mind Democrats. Unpaid idiots who will not even understand what happened when they get what they think (and I use that term loosely) they want.



Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve



LOL! You're clearly one of those deluded individuals who has never realized that people are laughing AT you, not WITH you.


Those who have dared mock me, their heads now decorate my castle walls! 😳

You can't handle debating a superior opponent so you run and hide with evasions and bullshit. I understand. Name calling and distraction is all you right wing turds can muster. Because you have no real thoughts or understanding, no genuine principles, just mindless fealty to the Lord God Trump. Let me hear you say sieg heil!


If I find a superior opponent, I'll let you know.


Would you? If you can't engage in a decent debate, at least find me someone who can. Maybe your existence has some marginal utility after all.


LOL! You asswipes are all the same. Sitting with your coven in Starbucks, drooling your double, non GMO soy frappacino on your Iphone and your Nikes, grousing about the evils of Trump, corporate greed, "racial injustice", student loans, health care, income inequality and corporate greed while contributing nothing to society or anyone, lapping up all that CNN, MSNBC, CBS and all the others tell you, without question. Like I said... Nine Inch Nails song playing in the background...


Holy shit. You're drooling, man. While we're waiting for our covid vaccines, you might want to consider a rabies shot. 😬


The truth hurts, huh bruh.


As do rabies shots, I'm told. But you can't go around foaming at the mouth spewing insane rantings either.


Then you better knock it off!


Says the guy spouting off about covens meeting at Starbuck's, who worships a con man god.


Like I said, you're in denial.


Alright, so me and the other warlocks occasionally hang out at Starbuck's. Only for the 5G though.

But you're still a brain dead Trump worshipper, which means denial is the very nourishment that sustains you. How does it feel watching him go into exile, thoroughly disgraced? What do you tell yourself to preserve your fragile grip on sanity? 😳


I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of the ruling class, especially since I rule.


Sticking a ruler up your ass doesn't count.


I guess you know from personal experience.


president Joe Biden will not be impeached on Jan 21. that will never happened and it's a very stupid idea.


First they're going to vote on 100% tax cuts for everyone, then the declaration of war on Canada, then they'll get around to impeaching Joe Biden for ... I don't know, will they actually need a reason at that point? 🤪


slow joe has to go, worst president ever, the people of America need help now!


Joe will be the best president ever!!


Something about this doesn't sound right...hmm. I'm sure it all makes perfect sense you you, bless your heart.


whoever planned to impeached president Joe Biden on Jan 21 didn't work. because it was a very stupid idea.


Funny, how this message board pretends to not care about politics but gladly lets idiots like you make idiotic statements that have nothing to do with movies. Seriously, why are so many message boards on various websites overtaken by right wing idiots who can't shut their mouths?
