MovieChat Forums > Mila Kunis Discussion > I'm surprised she ever got with Macaulay...

I'm surprised she ever got with Macaulay and Ashton

Personality-wise, she seems too cool for them.


Making an assumption here, maybe she grew up around a lot of men in her life, playing a role in her being less discerning around the guys.

She was only 16 years of age at the time she was casted as Jackie in "That 70s Show". The men must have left a considerable impression on her.

She's down to earth, that's for sure.



She was actually 14 and told a clever lie.



You're right. You win a a heart-shaped box full of Fez approved chocolates (or fruit-flavored delights if you prefer).

Doing the math, she was about 21 when the series ended, which lasted eight seasons.

She really knows how to act, haha!



She sure does! Cheers for the chocolate. 🤙🏻


Too cool for Ashton? Isn't he like Batman? Super handsome, athletic, funny, charming, great at Hollywood and business too? She's no where near cool enough for him in my opinion.


He seems like the kind of guy who can talk and be friendly to everyone.

You're not too far off by comparing him to Batman. Not the money per se, but just the number of businesses he is involved in financially.



He's worth 200 mill. He's pretty damn rich.


Wow... I had no idea!

He may not be "Richie Rich" rich, but that's still a ton of coinage to muster from more than just a bank vault.

