MovieChat Forums > Allison Janney Discussion > Shameful that she would thank Tonya Hard...

Shameful that she would thank Tonya Harding.

What type of society do we live in where a person that conspired to cripple a fellow athlete is thanked by Allison Janney for being a role model for being different? Is this what America is about? Is this something to be proud of?


Tonya was not involved. Educate yourself.


She is on record saying she knew it was going to happen. Maybe you should educate yourself.


“Knew of” a plan is NOT being involved. There are varying stories of why she did not contact authorities in advance and while I was a Kerrigan fan at that era in the figure skating world and seeing what the attackers were like i believe Tonya’s account of it.


Knowing someone is going to hurt someone to benefit yourself is pretty well involved. Particularly if you do nothing about it. She wasn't involved in the act of assault,but I think it's a stretch of logic to claim she had no involvement, regardless of her reasons not to report it. I'll agree that things tend to be more grey than black and white,but I have a very hard time believing she was innocent of all wrong doing.


I don't know about Innocent Of All Wrong Doing, but Tonya DID overcome a life where she shouldn't have been expected to accomplish much, and she became an Olympian. Whatever the dumb crap that happened subsequently, she overcame a lot of obstacles to get somewhere, and that's worth applauding.
Kerrigan was born with a Silver Spoon. She had it relatively easy.
