MovieChat Forums > Felicity Huffman Discussion > She’s going to jail for two weeks

She’s going to jail for two weeks

Huffman was sentenced to just 2 weeks in jail today, in a federal court in Boston. Prosecutors pushed for at least one month and a $20,000 fine while her attorneys pushed for one year probation and the $20,000 fine. Huffman is first to be sentenced in the College Admissions Scandal.


Money talks and bullsh!t walks.


So many people are saying she got off easy because non-white people have gotten worse sentences. I can't help but laugh at people who don't realize that the prosecutor, judge, previous criminal history, state, and plea deals are different in every case. It's like a kid asking his mom if he can play at Timmy's house and then after she says "no", he responds with "but my friend Michael's mom let him go".


Are you familiar with Kelley Williams-Bolar ?


No. Reading the article, this seemed more the fault of the school. They hired a private investigator to follow her around which is a red flag right there. Still in comparison to Felicity Huffman, the judge is not the same, nor the prosecutor. Phil Spector was convicted of one murder while OJ Simpson got off for double homicide. The justice system has always been inconsistent anyway.


Probably better to go to jail for two weeks and get it over with than be on probation for a year.


She has to watch 'The Room' for two weeks.


Felicity Huffman's 14-day prison sentence is a "slap on the wrist" and a "disgrace"

"There is no justice," says Andrea Peyser. "Not when the rich and the powerful, the amoral and the sleazy — liars, cheats and unspeakably entitled thieves of anything and everything they can snatch with their paws from honorable folk — get away with it, time and again." Peyser adds: "I am tired. I’m tired of explaining how this is not a victimless crime, and Huffman not only helped to damage the integrity of higher learning, rendering diplomas worthless, but she attempted to swipe opportunity from another kid. Two weeks (probably reduced in the long run), plus a fine of $30,000, 250 hours of community service and a year of supervised release, may sound like a big deal you and me. To Huffman, it’s less than an hour’s work, plus barely enough time to have her hair and makeup touched up. Maybe she’ll get a memoir or TV movie out of it. In the days leading up to her sentencing, Huffman infuriatingly made herself out to be a victim in a letter to the judge. She painted herself as an insecure, anxious mother (as if there’s another kind) being punished by a sexist system, and complained that she just wanted the best for her daughter. She got some celebrated pals and her famous actor husband William H. Macy, to vouch for her good character. It was a circus. It will only get worse. By the time she’s released from prison, if she ends up actually going to prison at all, she’ll be transformed into something I detest: A martyr."


I agree with Peyser. I've been saying myself she will get a book deal out of this, she will do the 'interview' with Oprah, circle the talk shows to gain sympathy, and resurrect her career.


She got off lightly. This offense can carry a potential 20 year custodial sentence.
