MovieChat Forums > Kathy Griffin Discussion > Finally admits she's insane

Finally admits she's insane

in her latest video. Someone please involuntarily commit her to an institution. Now please


Just like a right winger to just make up mean stuff and dump it out here. And you have the nerve to criticize Kathy Griffin. If Republicans want to avoid criticism, maybe they should be not such belligerent aholes and pass some legislation that will make America better, because 95% of what we have had so far from Trump has been all more money for billionaires, let the rest of Americans pay more or just die.


Well actually I have historically voted Democrat and was liberal in my political ideology until the last election cycle. But I think the point is that I didn't make anything up. Watch her latest youtube video. She admits she is crazy and goes off on a crazy rant that her career sucks because she is oppressed.


You do something that gets half the lunatics in the country out to lynch
you, and gets you fired and hated in a stupid knee jerk reaction that was
fake and see how it affects you.

I am fine with anything Griffin does because she is actually authentic, whereas
those who attack her are brainless political hacks.

And the right-wing lies, big ones, every day, and one of the biggest ones is how Hollywood is so Liberal. Hollywood is losing money and has to publish more sex and violence every year because the movies they make are conservative meaningless BS that no one wants to watch. By that I mean the movies have no motivation other than to make money. They do not fullfill any public service or interest, they just show more sex and violence.

Not 100% of Hollywood,but the Liberal Hollywood thing is a myth, and pretty much always was - going back to the Hollywood blacklist and McCarthyism. There was no communist conspiracy in the US. In fact today you can see the Russians are trying to step in to help Conservatives because the Liberals rejected them.


I'm guessing you are either Kathy Griffin herself or the one fan she has left.

By the way, I just proved that what you said about me making stuff up is bullshit. Either admit your error or feel contented to live on whatever planet it is you live on, which is not Earth.


I'm guessing you are in a Conservative computer bank, or Russia.
OK, guess I will not try to communicate with you in a reasonable
manner ... I don't speak Russian anyway.


Ok. Goodnight Kathy


"There was no communist conspiracy in the US."

You're as insane as Griffin. Lefties have been lying about Fucking Commies in the US for decades.

The CPUSA was a front and recruiting center for the KGB. There were hundreds of agents in government positions:


She's a vile and disgusting person, and I despise her. But my guess would be her video is just a comedy shtick.



That's quite the sense of entitlement she's got there.

I personally think the Jude thing with Trump's head falls within artistic expression and therefor free speech, I think it's tasteless but not career endingly so.

Expecting to get back into the easy gigs though, I don't think that's how it works. When courting favour is your schtick you need to understand when it goes against you and the address on Easy Street costs more than you've saved.

Comparing yourself to Eartha Kitt wasn't a wise move either. She fought a good fight for a good cause whereas you are trying to milk the victim game which nobody outside of champagne socialists believes is real.

I like her new haircut though, it'll be a colder Winter for her with it.
