MovieChat Forums > Jessica Alba Discussion > The demise of Jessica Alba's career

The demise of Jessica Alba's career

In the early noughties Jessica Alba rapidly broke into Hollywood. The actress was invited to many films and she could be seen in big Hollywood movies. But by the end of the noughties starring Jessica Alba became much less, and her films often began to go straight to video. I would like to remember the career path of the actress.


A lot of her movies bombed at the box office and got panned by critics. The only movies that did well box-office were adaptations, like Fantastic Four and Sin City. Studios realized she wasn’t a draw as an actress


She is extremely wealthy from her cosmetic company so acting is probably just a hobby for her.


Apparently she have fallen out of love with filmmaking. She wanted to focus more on motherhood and family.
She had a few "experiences" and had to get on her back and spread her legs to get a head. Something she have struggled with afterwards.
