MovieChat Forums > Roseanne Barr Discussion > I wonder if today was the worst day in R...

I wonder if today was the worst day in Roseanne Barr's life ...

and I wonder if I should care. She obviously has a lot of problems and there is something wrong with her to say what she said, and think what she thinks ... about Valerie Jarrett, and let's not forget the nasty comments about Chelsea Clinton. Somehow the responsible world can recognize that Roseanne Barr is no longer fit to be a public person ... so one also has to wonder where are these so-called responsible people when it comes to Donald Trump?

I just wonder who is this person who thinks it is OK to fire off hateful insults to people, and is it her fault, or has she just been programmed by what we have all seen going back to the 90's with the Clintons - not reasoned criticism continuous with the American political system I have known since I grew up, but a never-ending vicious assault on anything Liberal, Democratic, really anything that is not just a full-on support of the worst of the far Right-Wing extremists.

This is all on the right-wing, and I would liken the start of it to when the word Libtard began to appear in the online discussions, and AM right-rant-radio started making stuff up about Liberals and Democrats, and calling Liberalism a mental disorder.

What we see in Roseanne is the outcome of decades of paying attention to that garbage, and how it rots out someone's brain.


If you don't see the futility on the extremes of both the left and the right than I urge you to delve deeper. Neither is truly on the side of the rational.
Rosanne Barr represents Rosanne Barr. I do think something is wrong with her but I don't know her well enough to know what that is. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she has some kind of physical condition that has affected her mind..


I am sure she has a physical, mental or substance abuse issue that has affected her mind, but the problem with stopping there is that people in a vacuum do not just become so racist and insensitive that they think it is a joke to make extreme racists comments to the world in a public forum. That manifestation of her "dementia" has to have come from an external source, either her upbringing, or constantly fixation on right-wing radio ... and that probably derives from just not being smart enough to understand history and the news.


Yet when Michelle Wolf’s FILTHY racist mouth opened at the White House Correspondents Dinner no big deal?????



This is all on the right-wing, and I would liken the start of it to when the word Libtard began to appear in the online discussions, and AM right-rant-radio started making stuff up about Liberals and Democrats, and calling Liberalism a mental disorder.

No, no, daddy-O...make no mistake about it "the start of it" is when Trump whooped the dog shit out of Hillary Clinton 8 November 2016.

You couldn't take it, so you took a fit. But, sweetheart, boobie, you ain't robbin' this Presidency. No-fucking-way.

Trump President.

Not Clinton.

Let us proceed...


What if your boss didn't like your political views? Should he fire you? I would hate to think that every opinion you have is subservient to him.


Oh and I doubt today is the worst day in her life since she is rich. Most people are poor. I think too many people who are extremely sensitive about race are very out of touch when it comes to class and are able to say these extremely insensitive things about it. I think rich people planned this as a distraction.
