MovieChat Forums > Ronald Reagan Discussion > Tear Down This Wall!

Tear Down This Wall!

Reagan is rather well known for telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall.

What if Reagan decided to go the other way and instead tell Gorbechev to do whatever he wants? Trump style.

"No, I would not protect you," Trump recalled telling that country's leader. "In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills."


Different times, different countries, different polices. Whatt a shock.



I think it would have driven republican voters away. Why does Trump think sucking up to Russia is the best policy now? This is going to cost him the election as true Americans don't want the Russian bear knocking on our door.


Not wanting WAR, is hardly "sucking up".

When you lie like that, it shows that you KNOW you are in the wrong on the issue.

Yet, even though you know you are wrong, you still hold to your position. That you know is wrong.

You are actively being the "bad guy".

Why? What is your motivation for supporting a policy that you know is bad for America and the world?


You're being naive. Trump is inviting Russia to attack countries he doesn't like.

Which policy do you claim I am supporting that is bad for the country? I'm not sucking up to Trump, that would be you.


If you were sincere in your belief that Trump's agenda was bad for America, you would have been honest about what it was.

By the act of lying about what it is, you are admitting that you know that his ACTUAL policy is better for America than the policy YOU support.

Why do you support a policy that you know is worse for America?


Yes, Trump's agenda is very bad for America. Trump says what his agenda is. I'm only repeating what Trump says his agenda is. So is Trump lying?

Be specific, what am I supporting that is worse for America?


Do you see Trump in your dreams? Do you sleep under your bed out of fear of Trump?


Trump is a turd, I don't fear turds. But turds are not good for anyone except for other turds.


Did you say turds?


Are you 10 years old? Can you express more sophisticated thought? 6607 posts? At what .10 dollars per post? You would be money ahead mopping the floors at Walmart. Your mom is not going to be around forever to give you an allowance.


Get used to it. Trump is that that bad. How long are you gong to swallow his crap anyway?

I'm used to arguing with people who want me to believe that Trump never banned bump stocks or called for gun confiscation without due process; you are like those people.


Trump wants to negotiate an end to the war. That is a real and serious policy. I have friends who argue against that. They are sincere in their beliefs and statements.

You choose to LIE about what he wants, and you argued against your own strawmen.

That reveals that you KNOW that a negotiated peace would be GOOD for America and the world, but you want WAR anyways.

Why do you want a war that you know is bad for America?


Trump has made it clear he will not stand in the way of Russia expanding its borders. This would be the opposite of ending the war. If it is a real and serious policy, then it will be in writing; show me.

Trump says what he wants, I merely post a link to it. Calling Trump a liar again?

Trump wants war, I do not.
When Trump says to "do what they want", it is a capitulation, not a negotiation.


Or it is Trump pointing out the our "Allies" that if htey do not pull their own weight that their are limits to our being willing to carry them.

Trump got into a lot of trouble for pushing the europeans to increase their military spending.

IN the context of RUSSIA/RUSSIA/RUSSIA, do you think that our European allies should be spending MORE or LESS defense money?


So Trump will let the Russian bear threaten us over money? Trump is always in trouble. He is supposed to be a big boy, he can handle it.

European allies should be helping to contain the Russian bear. That is harder when Trump wants to prop the cage door open.


Clealrly my point about Trump "being in trouble" was NOT that he was "in trouble", but that he was pushing our allies to spend more to protect themseleves from Russia.

I mean, it was silly of you to NOT get that. Did you really not understand that?

Do you feel you got in a "zinger" cause you pretended that I was sad that Trump got "in trouble"?

Was that a "win" in your mind?


Does not sound like trump trouble to me. Nothing I say is a zinger. I'm certain that you know all of what I have to say. Just being in a cult forces you to defend trump no matter what


Clealrly my point about Trump "being in trouble" was NOT that he was "in trouble", but that he was pushing our allies to spend more to protect themseleves from Russia.

I mean, it was silly of you to NOT get that. Did you really not understand that?


Russia can't even handle ukraine........ russia would be destroyed in a war with Germany, France, England, and the nordic countries as well.

The US don't even have to get involved.


When there are nukes involved, it has the potential to be very bad and with our involvement.


but we are talking no nuke war here.

and England and France have nukes as well..... more than enough to wipe out all life on earth.

interesting side note, the US are the only ones that have benefited from the NATO musketeer oath!

That was on September 11, 2001 .......
USA was not alone in Afghanistan!

"Has Article 5 ever been invoked?
Article 5 has been invoked only once, in the wake of 9/11"


Reagan: "Tear down this wall"

Progressives: "tear down walls between mens and womens bathrooms"
