MovieChat Forums > John C. McGinley Discussion > Just this guy the biggest ...

Just this guy the biggest victim of typecasting in Hollywood?

In every film I have seen this actor, he has never played a likable character. After seeing him in The Belko Experiment, I saw he is still playing slimy and scummy characters to a full tilt and this goes all the way back to Platoon.

I almost feel bad for the guy, but he plays such characters so very well.

I've never watched Scrubs so I don't know if his character in that show is likable.


With the amount of work he gets, he probably isn't complaining about possible typecasting. Actually, he plays a lot of different types of roles,


I always enjoy it when you see one of these typecasted actors in a role that is entirely against the typecasting. He is such a good actor and so good in these roles you can't wait until he gets his comeuppance.

For example, a current one is Tamsin Greig in the Sexy Beast prequel. I'm only familiar with her more light-hearted roles and in Sexy Beast she plays a downright evil character and is knocking it right out of the part.


>I've never watched Scrubs so I don't know if his character in that show is likable.

Incredibly likable.


[–] Ant1238 (798) 17 minutes ago

No, he’s the jerk character on Scrubs

You need to get together with Ant1238 below and straighten this out. Is he likable or is he a jerk?


He's more indepth than that on Scrubs




Like he is outwardly a jerk, but he's also the most conscientious doctor there.


I suppose it's more about the depth of the character.


No, he’s the jerk character on Scrubs, but he’s an absolute sweetheart in Identity.


He was also a pretty nice cop in Set it Off.


In Platoon, he plays a nervous, kind of wussy guy who's always worrying about living to finish his tour. Much different than the confident character he played in Scrubs.

I think he actually plays a decent variety of characters. It's not like he's Billy Zabka, always playing the bully.
