MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Love Hewitt Discussion > Why didn’t Jennifer Love Hewitt’s music ...

Why didn’t Jennifer Love Hewitt’s music career take off?

She wasn’t a bad singer, and was very famous for TV/films. So why couldn’t her music sell?


I listened to about 90 seconds of the first video, and honestly her voice is thin and nasally, which I suppose in today's day and age means her voice is fine. But the music biz is mercurial and some decidedly lesser talents (like Taylor Swift) sell albums for no logical reason whatsoever. It's a crap shoot really, and her roll came up snake eyes.


Not bad sounding but at the same time nothing special or unique to distinguish herself. Very much "of its time", generic young female artist pop rock tracks of the mid-late 90s


I picked up her CD "Bare Naked". Not bad at all. Still play it every once in a while.
