MovieChat Forums > Andrew Dice Clay Discussion > Someone send up the Dice Clay signal, Am...

Someone send up the Dice Clay signal, America needs him!

C'mon Dice, you've got more targets than ever, get out there and crush em!


No chance. No one would sponsor anything he's in. Cancel Culture has an iron grip on Corporate America.


And it’s time for “Dice” to die, anyway.


LOL, I know you'll think less of me for saying this, but I find a bit of Clay amusing. I mean, he gets old quickly, but I actually enjoyed his performance (charming?) in Casual Sex. Don't hate me...


Of course I don’t think less of you. You’re more evolved than those who I think are his core audience of misogynistic troglodytes, who take what he says seriously.

Am I the only one who just cannot like an artist, a genre or a work of art because I can’t stand the people who support it? Examples: Clay, Titanic, Breaking Bad, the Buffy TV show (loved the movie), John Wick, The X-Files, Rap, Bubblegum Music, NASCAR, Reality TV.


He can still record albums. The stuff he riffed on wasn't safe to say even 20 years ago. That's what makes him the Dice Man.


He's toured pretty steadily until covid
