MovieChat Forums > Jerry Seinfeld Discussion > The worst thing about Seinfeld

The worst thing about Seinfeld

Managed to be the dullest cast member of his own show. A comedian literally being the straight man in a show about himself.


Nope. You're wrong.


He was fine...

Kramer and George were a bit over the top. I enjoyed Jerry and Elaine the most


George was the best thing about the show for me.


Ok, but the show was not really about him.
It's about him AND Larry David.
And we all know who's more interesting of the two.


What is worse is that he got the best lines in his series, shared the limelight and gave the rest of the group more detailed roles, probably banged all the chicks appearing once only on Seinfeld, and had the sense to refuse an offer he theoretically couldn't refuse to keep the show going. Put yourself in his place, and share what would you have done differently.


He isn't funny.

The business with the 17 year old wasn't impressive either.
