MovieChat Forums > Ridley Scott Discussion > SIR Ridley Scott needs to retire from Di...

SIR Ridley Scott needs to retire from Directing

yeah i feel like he is best as a Producer at this point heck even Blade Runner 2049 was better without him in The Directors chair and likely the Upcoming Alien Romulus will be as well if I was a studio head or creative i would tell him to stick to the producer role.


It will be a sad day when he goes. There aren't too many interesting directors still working today. David Fincher would be, but he was hijacked by Netflix. Quentin Tarantino is finishing his career, or so I've understood, and even his movies have been uneven lately, with the exception of The Hateful Eight. The era of big name and auteur directors might be soon over.


there are plenty interesting Denis Villeneuve,Rian Johnson,James Mangold ,Wes Anderson and Christopher Nolan please theres plenty succession is part of filmmakers adjust to the times and adapt it wont be sad a day as long Scott has a good retirement plan.


I don't find any of those directors particularly interesting. Nolan's best works are long in the past (Memento, The Prestige, Batman Begins), altough I haven't seen Oppenheimer yet. I'll catch it on blu-ray later on. Rian Johnson? You mean "The Last Jedi"-Ruin Johnson?


Yeah, Denis Villeneuve is the only director on that list who doesn’t make me cringe.


Adjust and Adapt see you in the cinema they need us both of you make me cringe


The era of big name and auteur directors might be soon over=The era of cinema might be soon over.


Its already over. It ended with covid. Film is now a propaganda tool. The theatrical experience is gone.
The new generations don’t even watch movies.




im sorry but its true at least from Directing that is


Why do you care if he is directing or not? He clearly seems to enjoy what he is doing. I believe he is wealthy enough so he isn't forced to continue working.


of course you defend a white director past his prime enjoy bad movies


That's some quality reply. LOL.
