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Ridley Scott Says Gladiator 2 Will Be ‘Ready To Go’ After Napoleon Movie


He needs to finish off his ideas for Alien and Blade Runner first. Still waiting to see more of these worlds. Don't move onto something else. Harrison Ford is not getting any younger.


After the abysmal “Alien: Covenant” I think the Alien franchise needs to be done with Ridley Scott…

The Ridley Scott who made Alien & Blade Runner isn’t around anymore, as far as I can tell. Nothing against Scott as a director, the man cranks out movies like a factory & he’s still very good at film making, but he’s lost that artistic flair that truly made his earlier movies.


Have no worries, he is producing Alien and Blade Runner TV series... both will probably be crap, but I hope I'm wrong.


The Napoleon movie sounds very interesting. I definitely want to check that out.

Ridley is shaping up to be Clint Eastwood-esque in terms of longevity. Gotta respect that dude.


Just today I was looking up why Quentin Tarantino intends to retire after his tenth film despite being relatively young. He said something like "i know enough film history to know it's all downhill from here". That isnt true in evrry case of course: Kurasawa was still directing quality work in his twight years. Polanski in his 80s is still directing quality work ("J'accuse"). Woody Allen can even muster up an entertaining film here or there. We're all inspired by Clint Eastwood both directing and starring in a film at 91 years old, even though the results have been a mixed bag. I simply don't think Ridley Scott has the stamina to continue making movies much longer especially movies on the scale he has tried in the past. Prometheus was one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I find it mind-boggling there are still fanboys who want him to proceed with a franchise he has more or less destroyed. Of course, if these old geezers are still healthy enough to continue working and can still get backing, let them continue to make films. Altman never stopped til his death at 81 and he ended on a high note.


Ridley's results have been mixed of late, but if we just look at his last five films we find:

All the Money in the World
Alien: Covenant
The Martian
Exodus: Gods and Kings
The Counselor

I thought that All the Money in the World was a solid film, The Martian is certainly well-made and entertaining, and Exodus is much better than it was ever given credit for. Alien: Covenant sucked and I never saw The Counselor, so on that one I have no opinion. In my view then, in five films, that's three good, movies, one shitty one, and one that I have no idea about. That's a good enough hit rate for me to want Ridley to keep going.

A Napoleon movie, if he has the money to do it right, could be epic. Same for a Gladiator sequel, if the story is good.

And I agree on Altman. A Prairie Home Companion is a very charming film.


I don't know about seeing a Napoleon movie directed by Ridley Scott. If Kubrick in his 40's couldn't get it off the ground in the 70's, what makes you think an eightyish Ridley Scott can?


Well it's not like no one's ever made a Napoleon movie before, even if Kubrick never managed it. If others have, why not Ridley?
