MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > If Mark Hamill's Face Hadn't Been Disfig...

If Mark Hamill's Face Hadn't Been Disfigured

What would he look like now, assuming that he would have aged the same as he has in terms of weight, etc.?

Any fan artists or Photoshop magicians willing to hazard a rendering or two?

ShadowsouL, Serpent of the Lord



He also got a scar on his upper lip (I think on the right side). I don't notice it anymore.


After completing the filming of Star Wars, it's said that Mark Hamill was in a horrific car accident that nearly destroyed his face. The accident supposedly happened on January 11, 1977. It was never reported in the media (he wasn't very famous at the time) and no one seems to know where the crash occurred. In some accounts, Hamill has said "I broke my nose, that's it" and in others he claims the damage was more extensive.
It's very strange, though. If you watch his appearance on Mike Douglas from July of 1977, his face seems to me to be the same as it is in New Hope. In various other interviews from 1977 there doesn't seem to be much of a change. Then, in the 1978 Star Wars Christmas Special, he looks very, very bizarre. Pancake makeup, and he appears to be loopy, as if he's on painkillers.
In Empire Strikes Back, he does look different. His classically handsome/pretty visage was gone. His perfect roman nose was flattened, and his nostrils now asymmetrical. His eyes appear rounder, and there was a bit of weight gain. It's said that the Wampa attack at the beginning was meant to explain the change in his looks.
To me, in Return of the Jedi, six years after his accent he looks completely different. I remember watching it in the theater thinking "what happened to Luke?" He simply does not look like the same person as in New Hope. Also, it seemed to me he was even acting differently. His entire aura and countenance had changed. Beyond what it might have for character development reasons. I'm afraid that his Luke really takes a backseat to Han Solo, and Darth Vader. He didn't wind up to be very compelling.



There's a strange discrepancy in when the accident occurred. Having it take place before the success of Star Wars suggests that it happened under more innocent (or less illegal) circumstances. Having it take place afterwards suggests that he got a bit too carried away with what he was spending his money on (drugs, alcohol and maybe fast cars).

Look at Jackie Chan. After the success of Drunken Master, he got a bit too carried away with being drunk while driving sports cars (no joke - read his second memoir: Never Grow Up). Luckily, Jackie didn't get into any crashes...or should that be unluckily since he has often been made fun of for having a big nose.

Back to Hamill, we don't even know if there even was a car accident. There are no forensic photos of the crash. For all we know, maybe he experienced an accident while taking cocaine with Carrie, and the publicity department lied about it so as to protect the family-friendly image of the franchise.



His can get his weight under control at any time.


Didn't even notice.


I dont think it would have made much difference to his career. He was never a great actor, and physically he was one of those cute, slight guys who plays teenagers in his twenties and who has trouble maintaining career after age 30. It happend to most cute twink actors, whether their nose stays the same or not.

Was he considered unreliable at the time? Was that a factor?
