Cop movie

Hopefully QT will make a movie about cops before he retires. I'd love to see his take on a police story. It would be a great companion movie to Reservoir Dogs, but on the opposite side of the law. Of course the inclusion of both good cops and bad cops in the story.


Count me in, this is a great movie idea! Good cops! Bad Cops! Crooks! All in one movie!

I can only imagine how awesome a cop movie made by Tarantino would be. He'd make one of the greatest cop movies of all time!

If there's somebody out there who knows Tarantino, please ask him to make a cop movie!


Oh yeah, if it happens, Tarantino must include police brutality in this movie!


Quentin Tarantino has used many ideas from Poliziotteschi films in the past and I too would love it if his last movie was a cop film. A large percentage of this genre are told from the cop perspective and include good cops battling a corrupt system. Check out films directed by Fernando Di Leo and as you watch them you can see how Tarantino has referenced them. If he uses this genre as inspiration for a cop thriller it would be one hell of a film.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia about the genre below:

Poliziotteschi (Italian pronunciation: [polittsjotˈteski]; plural of poliziottesco) constitute a subgenre of crime and action films that emerged in Italy in the late 1960s and reached the height of their popularity in the 1970s.[1] They are also known as Italo-crime, Euro-crime, poliziesco, spaghetti crime films, or simply Italian crime films. Influenced by both 1970s French crime films and gritty 1960s and 1970s American cop films and vigilante films[2], poliziotteschi films were made amidst an atmosphere of socio-political turmoil in Italy and increasing Italian crime rates. The films generally featured graphic and brutal violence, organized crime, car chases, vigilantism, heists, gunfights, and corruption up to the highest levels. The protagonists were generally tough working class loners, willing to act outside a corrupt or overly bureaucratic system.


Now is the time for QT to make a cop movie!


Yeah, that would actually be really great. I'd love to see Tarantino's take on the Law.


Well, Tarantino got off on torturing a cop in "Dogs." So, I'm sure that he's a big hit with anyone who's anti police.


I'd love to see a police story that's written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.


What a great idea! Someone let his agent know!
