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Quentin Tarantino Says Roman Polanski’s 13-Year-Old Rape Victim ‘Wanted to Have It’

Article includes Samantha Geimer's grand jury testimony.

During a 2003 interview with Howard Stern, not long after Hollywood awarded Polanski a Best Director Oscar and standing ovation for The Pianist, the shock jock asked Tarantino how Hollywood can embrace “this madman, this director who raped a 13-year-old.”

Tarantino: He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape…he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for. He was guilty of having sex with a minor.

Robin Quivers: That she didn’t want to have.

Tarantino: No, that was not the case AT ALL. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—

Quivers: She was 13!

Tarantino: And by the way, we’re talking about America’s morals, not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.

Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.

Quivers: …giving her booze and pills…

Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.

At this point, things got impossibly worse…

Tarantino: She [the victim] has talked about it, ‘He didn’t really do anything to me. It was technicality about me being 13.’ … You’re killing him with the pills and booze thing.

Stern: But it’s true.

Tarantino: No more than if she was 18 or 19 or 20.

To begin with, what Tarantino is saying about the victim, Samantha Geimer, recanting as an adult is simply not true.


Can't defend the "that wasn't rape" comment regarding Roman Polanski's victim QT made circa 2003 but I can't imagine him ever condoning sex with minors be it willing or not. I'd like to think he's evolved his opinion since then. The hit pieces out now against him are a bit much though. I'm not gona all the sudden start hating everything he's done for something provocative he said 15 yrs ago on Howard Stern.


Seriously, he said this 15 years ago. Hillary Clinton was against same sex marriage back then.

That's how different things were back then. You were allowed to be famous and have edgy opinions in those days. It was a disturbing thing to say but Quentin being Quentin, he was obviously just trying to excuse someone he liked as a film director not as a person.

I think he should at least be given a second chance.


Seriously, Tarantino made a stupid remark to the holy Howerd Stern show some 15years ago about something that happened at a time when Tarantino was also 13years old.


In Europe is it OK to give thirteen year olds drugs and have sex with them when you're twenty years older than them?


Either way her age means she is not able to (or is expected to) be able to make an informed decision about what she is doing or getting herself into. That is why the adult has to be an adult and not engage in the first place.


