Star Trek?

Saw an article today saying he's stated he'd be open to directing a Star Trek...

Very much not liking this. Nothing against Trek, or QT, I love both, I just feel like it'd be a bad mix, they're not really made for each other. The two just have very different styles and I think trying to force them together would not turn out well.

Plus, while it could always change QT has said he's going to retire from directing after two more films. Would be a travesty for one of those two to be wasted on what would likely be a nightmare scenario.

I don’t get why everyone’s excited about this vague possibility. Just because you love two things doesn’t mean they belong together. I love Star Trek. I love QT. I’m all for trying new things and changing it up a little bit. But does anyone else feel like this would be a horrible mismatch? Their styles don’t go together at all. And I don’t want a Star Trek movie that feels like a Tarantino movie, I just don’t. And if he’s serious about retiring after directing two more films, I’d rather him not waste one of the precious two on something that would be so derivative. I admit that while I wouldn’t be crushed if it doesn’t happen, part of me still hopes for a Kill Bill sequel.


Oh he'd be a terrible director for Trek! Star Trek is based on hope, Tarantino's films are based on cynicism.

Of course, he'd probably put some very interesting yeomen on the Enterprise, but it wouldn't be worth it.


Maybe after all that BS hope sappiness cynicism is just what Star Trek needs. The series just seem to miss the mark.


That seems like a very odd thing for him to be interested in. QT's film style seems to free-style to be hampered by the conventions of the Star Trek Universe. Maybe if it was a TV episode taking place in a bizarre planet it could work, but for a movie I'm not so sure.
