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Oliver Stone “Regrets Voting For Biden, Fears He May Start World War 3”

Peddling far-right conspiracy theories! Putin must have funded Ukraine on Fire and upcoming "documentaries".

Stone was speaking to UK commentator Russell Brand for his podcast Stay Free, when he said:

“Biden is an old Cold Warrior, and he really hates the old Soviet Union which he confounds again with the Russian Federation, which is not communist.

“It seems that he’s dragging us stupidly into a confrontation with a power that is not going to give. This is their borders. This is their world. This is NATO going into Ukraine. This is a whole other story.


What does Oliver Stone suggest Biden do instead? I recall Stone came out against Putin invading all of Ukraine when the war began.


Pull out of NATO, they started the war!


We need peace in ukraine, biden is doing his best

Its not that easy

Putin is as greedy as all the other politicians. hes just putin though out in left field


No mention of the open border, the corruption, the lying, energy dependence on our enemies, attacks on freedom of speech, a tidal wave of regulations to outlaw gas stoves, effective dishwashers, and pizza restaurants. No mention of tyrannical mandates for deadly vaccines or decent people unemployed because of Joe Biden.

I suspect Oliver Stone's regrets stem from Joe Biden's failure to totally implement to far left's anti-American agenda.
