MovieChat Forums > Elisabeth Shue Discussion > What the Hell Happened to Elisabeth Shue...

What the Hell Happened to Elisabeth Shue? -shue/

Elisabeth Shue was the girl friend to the Karate Kid and Marty McFly. She had babysitting adventures and cocktails with Tom Cruise. In the 90s, she was an Academy Award nominee for Leaving Las Vegas, but then she disappeared from the spotlight until recently.

What the hell happened?


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As you are on IMDB why don't you look her up? You will see that she is very much still acting....


Right after Leaving Las Vegas, she should have taken advantage of and capitalised on her success and tried to press on and aim for higher, bigger and better roles after that, but alas, Shue didn't do that & she made movies general moviegoers didn't care for, movies that were easily forgotten about, as well as movies that would've been rejected by many A-list actresses.

As a result, her post-Oscar-nominated comeback - in reference to Leaving Las Vegas-, proved to be brief.

Shue was more of an actress than a star than Meg Ryan and countless other big-name '90s actresses around at the time, who were (arguably) more famed for being stars than performers. With Adventures in Babysitting and Back To The Future, I believe that having established herself through those movies, she should have done a couple of more of those types of films. Not to say that playing against type is a bad thing for Shue, but the commercial, popular appeal, the fun side that they evoke, that is what she should have amounted to and aimed for, especially to boost her star power. Shue is an actress and a good one, but as a star, she should have been bigger. If it worked the first time for Shue with Adventures in Babysitting, Back To The Future, why not continue with this, as well as carving out decent and worthwhile dramas & thrillers to supplement it?


Just saying that why don't you look her up on IMDb isn't the point! There's a difference between essentially being a working/character actor (which Elisabeth Shue for all intents and purposes, is now) and being a true blue, A-list star, which she was supposed or expected to be back in the '80s and '90s.


Did you even read the actual blog, which asks why her career (and yes, I know that she's on CSI now) pretty much went south after Leaving Las Vegas!?


Duuhhh . . . Re. . . ad? What means “read”?

Bad man makes my think-part hurt! Owy! Owy! Ouchie Owy Owy Owy! You, fun not😰😰😰


Many actors and actresses, after spending a great many years in the spotlight, choose to put their career on the back burner for more important things like an education and having a family. Elizabeth Shue did just that. She got her degree and started a family that she is dedicated too. Sometimes acting isn't someone's ENTIRE life....


But then the OP can’t look at her tits.


Elisabeth Shue has been working consistently since the 1980s; surely that's the most important thing as an actor. I don't think she's has ever really chased after the spotlight or fame. She said in an interview a few years back that the roles in big films are fun to do every now and again but her passion is in smaller films that enable her to play characters that really interest her. She tends to star in the odd big film (Hide and Seek, Piranha, Hope Springs) in amongst doing many smaller indie films. I guess she's a little like Patricia Clarkson and Frances McDormand in that sense.

I personally would like to Elisabeth star in a really good TV series, something on Showtime or HBO.



I wish I could mark your comment up. You're right.

It's like asking a boxer why they gave up fighting. Sometimes it's because they have to, sometimes it's because they want to, and sometimes, sometimes it's because they want to do something different.

I work in a factory at a desk. I shuffle numbers about and draw lines under other peoples "results". I'd like to write dialogue for cartoons. This is not happening for me.

If you were an actor or actress and you suddenly, really suddenly, got access to all the money you would ever need... what would you do?

Would you do your current job, even if it was frustrating? If you had the money to not need the job, would you be better off giving it up and letting someone new do it? I doubt most people would do that.


yeah the reason you don't hear from you much is cuz she is more into the smaller indie films these days. back in her prime, she was in plenty of big budget films, back when she was still a very sexy beautiful young woman in the 80's and especially the 90's when she "grew up" so to speak. but she does a lot of weird movies today that you don't hear much. but then again so is val kilmer, whos career also went south after the 90's. shue was never really a "big" movie star, she is famous obviously and did a handful of memorable films but while she may be working still in small more unknown films, she really has passed her prime as far as being a young sexy thing like she was in the 80;s and 90's where she reached her peak.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!


She was very good in The Boys. A shame they killed her off.
