MovieChat Forums > Steven Seagal Discussion > One Thing I Still Respect about the Guy

One Thing I Still Respect about the Guy

He hasn't made a good movie in years, his ability as an actor and martial artist are both pretty poor and he's a huge Putin loving prick in real life. That being said I do respect the fact that Seagal clearly hasn't felt the need to have plastic surgery the way most celebs do as they get older and has let himself age naturally. For that I still have a small shred of respect for the man


Maybe not Oscar winners, but his Andrew Davis movies were all pretty good.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


"and he's a huge Putin loving prick in real life."
Having an admiration for the President of Russia (whatever his flaws may really be) REALLY makes someone "bad"?


'Whatever his flaws may really be"

Yeah, invading a soveriegn nation, killing innocent civillians, promoting homophobic laws, and clamping down on democratic elections/rival candidates = 'flaws'...


I suppose you might be right in a way however...

We don't really know for certain for instance if Putin REALLY ordered those hits and assassinations like that on those who opposed him.

Sadly lots of other countries have prejudiced laws including against people of one particular orientation and in Russia, though its problematic, is not actually illegal to be one even if sadly yeah Russia as a whole even in modern times is steeped in conservatism and its President, even if he himself isn't too personally against them (I have spoken to some Russian people about the issue and I am Russian myself, although its sadly more a societal problem than a stand alone governmental one), is rather following such traditions albeit not in perfectly moral ways.

In war civilians sadly always die. And even American presidents who may have started or been involved in unfair wars had popular people whom they considered friends or were supportive of them and no one was necessarily called a, say, "Bush loving bastard" (although some have) or a "Ronald Reagan appreciator idiot" etc. And this overall war in Ukraine, although yes I am against it, its a little more complex than Western media maybe able to portray, and Ukraine President Zelensky is no saint either.

OK maybe flaws may seem like a mild word. But point of lots of political leaders have their minus sides, some more than others. And maybe Seagal isn't too aware of them, for one? Or has Putin like completely been exposed and is now bad entirely beyond redemption, with many of his guilts proven as terrible facts on par with that of some really notorious well known other world leaders?

And was Seagal an admirer of others as such or just Putin? And did the OP bring it to light for all those reasons?


Just to be clear, I am no more a lover of US/Western imperialism than I am of Russian imperialism. They're both as wretched as the other IMHO (and I marched against the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars at the time, and I'd do it again). BUT whatever Putin's fears of the US using Ukraine as a satellite state, Russia's onslaught on Ukraine can not be justified on any sort of humanitarian and ethical level whatsoever. Treating people like pawns, and dropping bombs on civiilians is utterly indefensible, and the irony is that Russia is now proving itself to be the very thing that has prompted the US to talk up Ukraine becoming a member of NATO/provide military aid to the country.


"dropping bombs on civiilians is utterly indefensible"

True, but also, ironically, one of the things Putin recently has been criticized for is actually moving civilians away from the area where the bombing campaigns are happening and the Russian military doesn't intentionally target civilians. And in many wars not just this one a lot of them sadly die due to crossfire etc. Sergei Lavrov, Russian defense minister, has even publicly announced that some of the areas that were being bombed in this recent Ukrainian conflict by the Russian forces even had ordinary folks thrown out by the military occupants who have ceased them. And bombs were mostly aimed at military enemies.


Was NATO correct morally to bomb Yugoslavia in 1999 during the Kosovo war crisis? Did that lead to many civilian deaths as well as those of guilty enemies?


History will be kind to Steven Seagal, once everyone realises that Putin *isn't* the bad guy.

Enjoy Seagal whilst he's here folks (once he's won't get another)


I can live with that.

I don't wish death on most people, and fwiw, I even like a few of his movies (e.g. Under Siege 1 *and* 2, and Executive Decision), but if even half the allegations about this prick are true, I won't be too sad when he's gone.



Yeah, he may be a sex-offending, talentless apologist for a fascist, but *at least* that's his *one* saving grace.
