MovieChat Forums > Madonna Discussion > Madonna Vs Kim Basinger

Madonna Vs Kim Basinger

Which is better? (Pre-famous Madonna) (Kim Basinger 1992)


I would pick Kim Basinger over Madonna in any era.


Madonna doesn't even deserve to be in this conversation.


Basinger probably bathes more often, so I choose her.


Both at the same time taking turns on giving me a good spanking


This is a tough one

Kim was getting it from Alec (I kill people and get away with it because I'm a liberal) Baldwin...

Madonna was getting it from Sean (I'm a communist sympathizer) Penn...

Madonna has no standards, and is probably sweating in STDs.

Kim at least seems like a human being at times, so I guess I'd rather go there. She was also actually attractive.

Madonna was just a hoe that had talented people write good songs for her. A lot of time I hear some of her songs and think "Dang, this is a good song- too bad she sung it."
