MovieChat Forums > Stephen King Discussion > i liked him better when alls he seemed t...

i liked him better when alls he seemed to care about was

scaring people. fun times.


He's certainly proof positive that you shouldn't look too closely at celebrity types that you like.

Is he still on Twitter/X?


yep. exactly.


What's this about brother? His left wing politics?

Most Hollywood types are fiercely left wing. Best to just assume your favorite director, writer, actor, musician, author etc, etc. Is a major liberal. There are some exceptions of course.


i think it’s just sad to see him so angry. you could say i don’t always agree with his thoughts/politics but i’d respect him more if he wasn’t so focused on them when he tweets.


Yet, strangely enough, better movies based on his work seem to be more drama oriented: The Dead Zone, Dolores Claiborne, Christine (I see it more of a twisted love story and drama, rather than horror), Carrie, Stand by Me, and altough I myself think its overrated, but still good, Shawsank Redemption...


Despite his title of the king of horror (pun intended), I've never really thought of his work as classic horror, but rather a hybridized style that leaned more into the humanity of the characters than it did the terror factor.


I think he lost his mind over Kubrick's adaption of Shining and he's never been right since.
