MovieChat Forums > Anthony Hopkins Discussion > Classy Verbal Beat Down Of Fresh Prince

Classy Verbal Beat Down Of Fresh Prince

He could have simply ignored the episode...

"Will Smith said it all. What more can be said? Let's have peace and love and quiet."

I interpreted this as disgust for what occurred, and that no words following such occurrence could redeem it. Notwithstanding the "Thank you, Will" at the end...


I said the same thing last year about Hopkins jumping on the Chadwick Boseman bandwagon (with his half-hearted mention of such in his own acceptence speech) Both felt like shoehorned-in moments (recited with all the sincerity of a shopping-list)

Lost a lot of respect for Hopkins, because (even if he had of meant it as thinly veiled dig) Smith (and all the other sycophants in the room) took it as a shining relevatory moment (all too keen to conveniently forget that they'd just witnessed a physical assault minutes earlier) So that they could all (Smith included) get back to lecturing the Plebs how to live.


Will Smith DIDNT say it all.

He didn't apologize to Rock.

the 'peace and quiet' bit I liked.

Like a father telling his two sons fighting to be quiet and go to bed!


Yes, it was very British. Always the Gentleman. I loved the reaction shot of Will not being able to figure out if he was being insulted or not. Now that's spot on decorum.
