MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What happened to Howie Mandel's wife?

What happened to Howie Mandel's wife?

What do you believe? Accident like he says or he beat her?

Could be an innocent "I Love Lucy" type situation when everyone believed Ricky slugged Lucy because of her black eye, but it was only an accident.

Mandel's wife's black eye makes me suspicious that he beat her. He also changed his story from her being drunk to eating a Marijuana gummy. Would a gummy make someone that recklessly high?

UPDATE. His morning show and TMZ interviews:


Naw unless they had no tolerance, before quitting I would regularly take 400mg a day and all it would do was make me tired. This dude gives me the creeps always, I suspect he beat her


He admitted to not being honest:

"And though Mandel won't reveal the craziest fib he's ever told, he shared that some little white lies helped him succeed.

"Just about every job I've gotten, every relationship I've ever been in, everything that I've ever achieved in life has gotten me because of bull[s--t]," he shared on Daily Pop. "So, it's really hard to list all the honest things that are happening in my life and things that I do.""


Jeez, those are pretty horrible injuries. Hope she heals up OK!

Mandell does not seem like the type to do something that awful.
They have been together for a really long time. I’d like to believe that a seemingly charming and funny man wouldn’t do that to another person, especially a romantic partner.

I’m sure that an investigation is ongoing, I hope Mandell didn’t do that.

And if it was all just a terrible accident they should both dial down the drinking because that appears life threatening.


She has healed without any scars.


The fact that he's the one who released these pictures tells me that it was an accident. Also, he's a germaphobe, why would he put himself in a position to get someone else's blood on his hands?


TMZ suggested that he was attempting to get ahead of the narrative first by doing interviews before any eyewitnesses could sell their story to news outlets which would paint him as a wifebeater.

I'd like hear a doctor's viewpoint about her shiner.


Prince William beat her up.

That's guys on a reign of terror.


They've been married for 40 years. Has he ever beat her before? I find it hard to believe he would start after all that time.


People with dementia can become violent.

Maybe he's got a screw loose or more loose screws than he already does.


Does he have dementia? Last I saw he seemed pretty sharp.


There's a clip out there of him talking about what's going in the world and he's seemed to be ill-informed/confused about some things.


She was probably getting mouthy. He had to put her in her place.


It 100% looks like an accident while intoxicated to me. They both might have a problem with alcohol, though, maybe that's why he changed his story.
