MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else like watching True Crime sho...

Anyone else like watching True Crime shows?

I love it. Especially the show "Forensic Files". It's fascinating learning about DNA, blood samples and how it's used to capture guilty people. Or exonerating wrongfully convicted prisoners. It's fascinating how so much as changed since the 90s in terms of DNA testing.

Also, I like reading up on high-profile crime cases. My favorite is the OJ Simpson murder case which was momumental in DNA testing and trials. Or the Chris Watts case of 2018.

Or the Karla Homolka case here in Canada. If DNA testing was as it is now back in the 90s, those girls could've been saved.

--Michael D. Clarke


I like Cops and the knockoff shows like it but that's it.


No interest
Don't care.

Further, as an outside, I feel our addiction to crime based shows is extremely detrimental to our mental health and even society, where we CHOSE to observe crime evils as "entertainment".
But it has become so normalized, no one recognizes this issue anymore.

I'm sure that is an unpopular opinion, but that doesn't make me wrong either.


I like very few true crime shows. It is a bit too morbid and depressing for me to sit there watching about murders over and over again.


Forensic Files is one of my favourite true crimes shows ever. I hate all these new shows, though. They're all the same and very amateurishly made.


No, not really.

And I think people's fascination with such shows is a sign of a sick society.
