MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What punishment should this thug get for...

What punishment should this thug get for punching the teacher? I'm calling him a thug because only thugs react violently to accidents.


I saw this that someone posted in the comment section and it's true:

"So you didn't post the entire video. You did this to show a different side. The kid was told many times to leave or sit down. He was blocking the door from closing. Administrators never came. She is outnumbered, and you can see she was the minority here too. She closed the door when he turned around, and she was trying to get the door shut. He was in the wrong. These days kids make it a game to play and bait the teachers. Then parents do not want to hold their kids accountable. Teachers are leaving the classrooms by the thousands."

So there you go folks.. Kids in 2024 feel they're untouchable and I'm sorry but they're not


He has to prove you wrong?


He needs to be expelled at minimum. No excuse to punch a teacher, let alone a female teacher.
