MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Solar Eclipse Changed My Life!!!

Solar Eclipse Changed My Life!!!

Took a bit of LSD and had a life altering spiritual experience while totality hit, went back to being a child for a couple moments and was able to have a whole new outlook on life after coming back too. Been completely off the weed and pornography after being addicted from age 12 (porno) and 14 (weed), also stopped consuming processed sugar except for one relapse. Been hitting the gym more consistently then ever in my life and cooking my own meals (100 percent organic). Never felt happier and healthier in my adult life πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ


As Jeff Spicoli would say, "Awesome, totally awesome!" I wouldn't say it was necessarily a life-changing experience for me, but it was pretty darned cool...I feared it might not live up to the hype, but it did and then some!


I live in the area of totality so I got to see the corona live for the first time. The moment the moon completely covered the sun and the corona just seemed to pop WAS truly awesome, (and I rarely use that word.)


Thanks brother!!


Whatever works - the sugar problem seems like that'll be a real bitch to overcome but good luck.


I let myself eat fruits and healthy natural sugars but avoid all that processed shit, less than two months in and I already see huge difference, starting to look more and more like Brad Pitt in Fight Club 1999 by the day. But you are right sugar is one of the hardest things to cut out of your life, it lights your brain up even stronger than Cocaine does and is an addiction introduced to you as a small child. My cousin left some Mexican Cokes in my house so I gave in that one day but at least that was Cane Sugar not the High Fructose garbage. Since then I have been pretty good, just drink water and eat fruits if I need a sugar buzz


I read that sugar feeds cancer and I try to remember that every time I want a chocolate bar but that don't always work.


Chocolate at least has some health benefits, try to enjoy the more natural non processed versions of it in moderation if you can and avoid high fructose drinks at all cost




I smoked super heavy for half my life and need a couple decades off to get my head straight, that being said I will go back to it one day when I am old and have nothing more to accomplish. I will always love the weeds, but that love has kept me away from better and bigger things. A couple months ago, before I quit, I was eating up to 400mg a day and smoking gram after gram to no effect. The best high I ever had (other than the first time) was last year after relapsing from 22 days off on some good Amsterdam stuff. Can't wait to see what a couple decades tolerance break will bring, probably will be even better than the first time 🀠




Yeah you have to replace weed with something else to keep the boredom away, getting high takes a lot of time and now I replaced all that new free time with cooking. Always ate fast food trash but now am eating like a royal king and preparing everything myself. If anything smoking weed all the time got boring, couldn't actually properly enjoy the drug due to my monster tolerance


Well....that's a bit unorthodox in my opinion, but hey, if you are choosing to change your life for the better, that's great news :)


Thanks!! Out of all the drugs I have done psychedelics are the only type that actually improved my life instead of ruining it


That’s awesome! Embrace the experience and let what you found lead you in the right direction.


Thanks brother!! I will 🫑


I'm gonna guess that it was more the LSD that caused it.


Yes, I have taken acid, shrooms, and dmt many times but never had anything close to this kind of experience. It was years since my last trip so my tolerance was down but that wasn't the only thing. The solar eclipse was beautiful and brought it on I think. I not only transported back in time to my youth but also changed locations. I was crying hard and hugging my dog on a Cleveland beach called Edgewater while totality hit thinking about my life. Then all the pain washed away with the sound of the waves. I was transported back to 2003 when I was an innocent child on a beach in Costa Rica. During this time in my life everything was fine, my mom was alive, I was happy without a problem in the world. Spent my days back then making friends and hanging out with all the friendly stray street dogs. The experience only lasted a couple seconds but when I came back to the present reality I remember thinking, "That little kid you used to be would be so disappointed in the addict you became".

The pain and trauma is still there but I have a new outlook now and am dealing it head-on in healthy ways instead of running away from it like I used too
