MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Kandahar Giant Conspiracy - Forgotten Hi...

Kandahar Giant Conspiracy - Forgotten History

Let me just say that I'm a closet fan of Cryptozoology and I listen to "COAST TO CAOST AM With George Noory and Art Bell as well.. Recently, they had a show and the subject was "Do Giants Still Exist" and they began discussing an incident in Afghanistan with reports of a Giant of Epic Proportions alive and unlike anything seen in this World.. Watch this video from YouTube and tell me what you all think because this does look pretty legit and does make you wonder?? 🤔


I remember hearing about this years ago. It's total bullshit and Marzulli is a kook. His only so called "witnesses" are anonymous so you can't look them up to see if they even have a dd214, and an even bigger red flag I remember was the way the "witness" spoke. He sounded like someone who looked up a bunch of military terms and sprinkled them into everything he said to try and sound legit. Another red flag was when he described the way the soldiers reacted to the "giant" by charging directly at it guns blazing, resulting in "Dan" or whatever his name was getting impaled. Nope. When you have a rifle and your enemy has a spear, you shoot it from a distance. You don't run right up to it and get yourself impaled like an idiot.

And the final nail in the coffin of this story was when he described the m4 carbine as a ".30 caliber sub-machine gun". Now if you know guns you'll know how ridiculously funny that is, but if you don't let me explain. The m4 is not a .30cal. The m4 is chambered in 5.56mm (.22cal) and is NOT a sub-machine gun. A sub-machine gun is by definition chambered in pistol calibers. The 5.56 is NOT a pistol caliber, and every soldier, sailor and marine knows that.

Now all that said, it is interesting how so many cultures all around the world have old legends of fair skinned red headed giants who occupied the land before them. Maybe there's something to the legends and maybe there isn't, but this story total bull spit.

Final note. I have multiple friends and family members who served and were deployed at the time this encounter was supposed to have taken place. None of them ever heard so much as a rumor about "giants".


If you're in the Military and it's your Career, then you know the Military terms knucklehead.. 🙄 My beef is why so many people on the internet are too closeminded and view everything as fake?? Why couldn't something like this have been discovered high in the mountains of a region known for it's caves and giants in general??


If you're in the Military and it's your Career, then you know the Military terms knucklehead.

Obviously. But like I said, I have multiple friends and family members who have served, and have been close to the military all my life. I know how service members talk, and I know how people who are pretending to be service members talk. But even if I didn't know that, I do know guns. And the humorously incorrect description of the m4 is not a mistake that anyone who knows guns, let alone carried one in a war zone would make. There is no doubt in my mind that Marzulli's so called "witness" never served a day in his life. And if he's lying about that, then the rest of his story is fake too.

I'm not closed minded like you said, but I'm also not so open minded that my brains fall out. Like I said, it is very interesting that there are legends of red headed giants all over the world, and I'm convinced that there are huge parts of human history that have been lost, but this particular story is bs. If you're interested in this sort of thing, I'd recommend you look up Robert Sepehr on YouTube. Some of his stuff is kind of out there, but it's fascinating nevertheless. And whether it's true or not it's at very least entertaining, and Sepehr seems like an intelligent scholarly man, unlike Marzulli.


More interviews & video on the subject.. I'm obsessed with this and it's just hard for me not to believe any of this because it comes off very specific in detail to be made up and the Special Forces & Navy Seals have nothing to gain from fabricating something like this.. 🤔


This was fascinating stuff, because I didn't hear about any of this during the Afghanistan/Iraq War at all! In fact, I didn't hear about it until a few years ago when joining Quora and finding random articles on my feed, including one about giants being sighted in the deserts of Afghanistan by our soldiers.


I mean, I've listened to this probably 1/2 a dozen times and each time I listen to this, I walk away with the notion that no way could the Special Forces have made this up.. It was too specific in detail and every time the story is told, it stays relatively the same.. The Bible spoke of Nephilim Giants


No, the story smacks of bullshit. I can see why governments may be involved in some conspiracy to keep alien visits a secret. But some 15-foot guy in the wilds of Afghanistan? Why hide this fact from the media?

And when they mention Christian fundamentalists and wacko theories about nephilim, ancient giants in the Bible descended from angels, it's very clear this is some attempt to preach Bible prophecy. They have an agenda.

This story is horseshit.


Eat a dick.. Your post is horse shit


Haha. You take it personal, meaning you're a Christian fundie. So you think the American government is trying to cover up Bible prophecy?

I think it's more likely there was a really tall like 7 foot Afghan guy and in the heat of battle his height was exaggerated.

As for the Nephilim, the Bible says they were giants. It never says they were angels or supernatural beings. And spirits don't mate and can't mate with human females anyway. Spirits produce sperm? That's like having sex with a ghost.

The stories you tell are from the Book of Enoch. That's never been accepted by any Christian denomination as scripture.


Stick it in your ass.. Fallen Angels mated with females thus producing the Nephilim. I don't like people who are too close minded


That's nowhere in the Bible.


Yes, yes it is so again fuck off and do your homework before coming back here to spew bullshit or just like the other 6 I have on ignore, you'll be #7


In the Hebrew Bible

"Genesis 6:4 reads as follows: The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown."


It doesn't say they were angels or supernatural beings.

And why would you think some big Taliban guy was one of these Nephilim anyway?

It's all such hyperbolic conjecture.


Ok dickhead, I'm through with you.. You're on ignore. I post proof, evidence so to speak that you and the rest of the liberal herd always bitch about and when someone does post it, you predictably shit all over it as usual, so you know the drill:


Haha. You can't have a rational discussion without having a meltdown. You throw out a bunch of loose ends and pretend they're tied together. It might be fun to theorize about it. But it's really weak.
