MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you still watch cartoons that are gea...

Do you still watch cartoons that are geared toward kids?

As a kid, I watched "Batman: The Animated Series" all the time when I came home from school. The show is so good that I can still watch it to this day. But other than that which is a major nostalgia hit, I don't watch any cartoon. Not even The Simpsons and I loved that when I was younger.


I watch the odd kids oriented animated show. Mostly thanks to my lil siblings.

Thanks to them, I discovered Gravity Falls, 2012 TMNT show & Over the Garden Wall to name a few.

But I absolutely love animated shows in general. They tend to be really creative & wacky, in a good way. The Boondocks, Futurama, Harvey Birdman & The Venture Bros are some of my absolute faves


I'm a TMNT original series guy.


I'm not a huge TMNT guy. I don't dislike 'em, I just never got into 'em/grow up with 'em.

Liked the 2012 version tho.

I've also seen the


I'm not a huge TMNT guy. I don't dislike 'em, I just never got into 'em/grow up with 'em.

Liked the 2012 version tho.

I've also seen the 3D animated movie from the 2000s. It was ok.


Yeah, that film was average. I liked the one that came out last year though.


Batman: TAS was one of the first cartoons that was made for kids in a way that didn't insult their intelligence, so it makes sense that many adults still watch it. I don't watch it often anymore myself, but I'd say it's my favorite cartoon of all time.

I'm always up for watching anything, cartoons included, but I'd say I mostly watch movies and streaming shows aimed at adults, with cartoons, anime, and PIXAR-type movies occasionally thrown in.


I love everything about Batman: The Animated Series. Great voice acting, great animation, great score, the episodes move by so fast. The only negative is that it's out of order.


I started re-watching Gargoyles. I like some cartoon movies too.


I always liked the animation and character design of the show but never saw it as a kid.


of course not


No need to lie. This is a safe space.


The only cartoon I still watch is Bob's Burgers. I watched this a few years back and it was pretty cool.
Tales from the Cryptkeeper Series

I used to enjoy some of the animated Feature Films, but not so much anymore. I'd still watch a sequel to Toy Story, Finding Nemo, or The Incredibles.


I didn't know they had an animated version to Tales of the Crypt in the 90s. I'm surprised they did that considering there was a live action show around the same time. It could have confused the kids.


Its a pretty fun cartoon:)
