MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Gouged for healthcare

Gouged for healthcare

I've just found out my work's healthcare payroll deductions will be DOUBLING for next year. It's only a matter of time before they start charging me to work there.

Maybe this would be worth it if I was in very poor health and had to continuously visit a doctor for something. I'm actually in good health and avoid doctors/hospitals like the plague. It's always assumed that "someday you'll need it", but in the meantime I'm making less and less each year and have little to nothing to put aside for the future.

Why do we tolerate this crooked and corrupt racket?


I wonder how many people are slaves and just don't know it.


If you're actually poor, then Obamacare would probably benefit you more??


where did the super jacked alpha male go?


Why do you post that here when you could've just stayed in that thread instead of disrupting this one due to your obsession over Trump??


my obsession on trump?

i brought up covid and the vaccine and didnt mention trump once. how are you so inept? why did you run again?


You didn't have to mention Trump.. Your link provided it stooge


my links to..... statistics on covid deaths and obesity rates? which had nothing to do with trump? why did you run weasel. when are you posting your body?


Dude, shut the fuck up and give it a rest.. If you actually read the link you posted, it has Trump's name in the link so fuck off with this already.. You're upset because I said Covid was and is bullshit and I stand by it and if you don't like it, go pound sand


hahah which link? are you having a stroke! i jsut used the search function on my browser and looked for trump. i literally didnt mention his name once to you. or send a link

yes im upset you base everything off your feelings and emotions and i educated you. and you ran away. i should post a thread about it and make fun of you more for everyone to see


You didn't educate anyone because in the end, you and every Liberal still, STILL can't give me a sufficient reason why I'm not vaccinated and have never come down with your imaginary virus?? Well?? How about it??


i did. i educated you on how vaccines work(comapring them to seatbelts), how different families of viruses are different, and why you dont know anything compared to experts and why no one cares what you say. you had no rebuttal. you literally bitched out and said "nope nope!! i aint listening!"

STILL can't give me a sufficient reason why I'm not vaccinated and have never come down with your imaginary virus??

i did, you are either illiterate or retarded, which is it?


Dude, you believe what you want to believe and I'll believe what I want and that the whole thing was a complete hoax that probably decades down the road will be uncovered, but you and everyone else dumb enough to keep taking these boosters and the vaccine itself will either be suffering from serious health issues or dead.. Good luck to you


no i believe what the facts and evidence say. and you are just emotioanlly driven and an idiot. its just like someone who believes in the science behind a globe earth vs you being the flat earther in this example

ohhh "down the road ill have proof!!". hahaha

i didnt get the regular seasonal flu shot last year. i didnt get the flu. i guess the flu doesn't either?

im also out of date on my Tetanus shot. i havent got Tetanus. i guess Tetanus is also "imaginary". the fact i didnt get something doesnt mean it doesnt exist genius.

but again you didnt answer how 40 million nurses and doctors in over 170 countries all lied and fabricated covid tests and took part in a massive global conspiracy where even in your sick, dellusional head, iran, china and palestine all teamed up with the west and western doctors to all fabricate a massive global conspiracy all to make trump look bad.

you are sick in the head.


when i got married i thought i'd get on my wifes work plan
they wanted $1,000 a month for me to join


So did you divorce her then?
