MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you noticed that people have gotten...

Have you noticed that people have gotten ruder?

I know there have always been rude people, but it seems like over the past several years post-COVID people have gotten meaner, entitled and take a lot of pride in being an asshole. Maybe it’s just aging or maybe it’s society just encouraging this type of behaviour. Your thoughts?

--Michael D. Clarke


less patience, more infantile behavior..

oh well..


There seems to be a prevailing sense of entitlement.


No, I remember people being much ruder in the 2000s. You'd hear people call other people assholes all the time. So no.


Yes I have, I also feel like people have gotten meaner, less tolerant, angrier and more judgmental ever since the pandemic, I agree self entitlement does seem to be a bigger problem these days, I also feel since the pandemic if you have a different political opinion than them they'll chew you out.


...meaner, less tolerant, angrier and more judgmental ever since the pandemic...

Do you have a take on the influence of the pandemic?


I feel the pandemic has changed people's attitudes for the worse rather than for the better, it likely has something to do with the lockdowns along with the aftermath of the pandemic.


Makes sense. Many people seem spoiled rotten and kids act out when they don't get what they want when they want. LOL
