MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are some movies that you were surpr...

What are some movies that you were surprised to learn are actually considered "bad"?

These are some that I can recall, that genuinely surprised me when I finally got on the Internet & stuff.

Some bombed at the box office, most were panned by critics & some were the butt of jokes.

1. Waterworld (1995) - It was on tv a lot growing up & my friend & I freaking loved it.

2. Baby's day out (1994) - I have not seen this one in ages but man, this was watched so many freaking times by the whole household.

3. Wild Wild West (1999) - Even as an adult, I like this one. It's not great but man it's a fun watch

4. Last Action Hero (1993) - Saw this a teen & I freaking loved it. Charles Dance is excellent in it

5. Over the Top (1987) - One of Sly Stallone's forgotten films. Freaking loved this one growing up. Would watch I every time it was on TV.


Agree on Last Action Hero and Baby's Day Out, the others .....not so much


To each their own.


Roadhouse (1989) I remember not wanting to give it a chance at the time because if the bad reviews. When I did finally see it about 10 years ago I thought it was great fun.


Some movies are like that. They may be bad to critics but audiences love them.


Generally I find if critics laud a film it will be really boring!


That is mostly true to me too.


Say what now? I've never seen it but people always speak so fondly of it that I honestly assumed it was universally loved or something.

Or was it just one of the those that got a cult following later on?


I know I avoided it at the time because of bad reviews but I also never watched Dirty Dancing at the time because it was just one of those films that was always in your face at the time so I rebelled. I was also a teen so go figure.

In many ways it is a bad film. A hell of a lot of fun but some of the dialogue is shocking (in a funny way). During one fight the bad guy actually says to Swayze's character "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" I mean, come on! But it's just fun all the way through and has one of the most awesome soundtracks ever. They have Jeff Healey in it playing in this rough club behind chicken wire, bottles being thrown at him - the guy is blind and they still throw bottles!

I have watched it about a half dozen times, you have to check it out just don't take it seriously and it's great fun.


Ultraviolet - 2006 4.3

Aeon Flux - 2005 5.4

I loved both of them. Great otherworldly stuff!


I have not seen Ultaviolet since I was a teen but I enjoyed it back then.

Had no idea Aeon Flux was considered bad. Love that one.


Can't believe I forgot to add, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2002)

I unironically love the movie & was genuinely surprised to learn that no one else did. I'm being hyperbolic but still...

It was sold on the whole "cow matrix" bit, but the rest of the movie is funnier imo.
