MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weird things you like.

Weird things you like.

I've been trying to make my diet 50% plant based. I'm kind of weirded out that I really like mushroom based Jerky. It's good!


Nothing wrong with that. You should try the Mediterranean diet. It's considered one of the healthiest in the world, and doesn't get rid of meat; it just reduces the amount to a level that doesn't cause health problems.


Watching Overlord DVD on YouTube. Normally I'm not into supervillains, but he's so silly and over-the-top that it's funny watching him ham it up on screen. Plus it's fun watching him banter with Harvey Cthulu, Omnivac, and the Skull of Calderone. I even ended up buying my own plush Cthulu so I could have a Harvey in my room. He doesn't have the fun hat, though.


I always love how the Omnivac character verbally berates the Supreme Ruler of Earth.


Well, he isn't supreme ruler of earth yet. Doomcock is just plotting right now. And yep, it's awesome seeing Omnivac cussing out his master, lol. It's also funny on Friday Night Frolics when Doomcock and Harvey comment on scary stories from Sebu, the psychotic, genetically modified ice age squirrel, hehehe. It got particularly funny when one time, Sebu got loose and scared the crap out of Harvey. The poor monster couldn't make the squirrel get away from his inter-dimensional prison and he had to disappear for a while, hehehe. Harvey's always begging Doomcock to PUSH THE BUTTON to let him loose so he can destroy our universe...which Doomcock won't do because then he'd be dead and have nothing to rule, hehehe.


I like the taste of aspirin - it tastes sweet to me. If I need to take one I chew it up and swallow.
