MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you find sweaty person hot?

Do you find sweaty person hot?

I'm talking about when they're exercising or doing any kind of sports. I'm into guy so I find them very attractive when they are sweating. That sweat giving them shine & sparkling texture on their skin? love it!, and the outfit that sticks at the body showing their body shape kinda turn me on.


You know what bugs me?

When I've been using some equipment at the gym and have wiped it down with my own towel, some fucker folllwing me, has the temerity to rewipe it with spray and tissue, before using it. Fucker should feel *privileged* if they even get a droplet of my sweat on their own skin/clothes. 😠


If it's someone I'm already attracted to, then most likely yes. Some random handsome guy sweating isn't a turn on for me, sorry fellas.


"Some random handsome guy sweating isn't a turn on for me, sorry fellas."

Would you rather we were fat and out-of-shape?

May I ask, are you a woman? Because, at the risk of being accused of being an 'incel' (*sigh* 🙄🤦‍♂️), I do find some women have VERY unreasonable 'golden unicorn' expectations of what they want in a man. They want men to be fit and handsome, but they don't want us to sweat (🤦‍♂️), and they want us to be rich, but they don't want us to be unethical, be part of the patriarchy, and take jobs that could go to women, and they want us to shower them with attention, instead of spending too much time at the office (🤦‍♂️).

Once again, 'incel' (*sigh* 🙄🤦‍♂️) warning here, but I get the impression that some women don't have a FUCKING CLUE how the real world ACTUALLY works. They want everything, without realising that everything costs something, and if you want to be fit, you have to exercise, and thus SWEAT, and if you want to be rich, there's NO FUCKING WAY, you can be rich without figuratively shitting on people.

This ain't a fucking Disney movie. This is real life.

I'm poor (despite my VAST qualifications) precisely because I'm unwilling to do the things it takes to become rich, and I'm fit precisely because I put myself through physical fitness routines that require me to SWEAT.

I wonder if this is why so many women are centrists and establishment Democrats, and aren't as keen on REALISTIC socialists like Bernie Sanders and Norm Chomsky, who, RIGHTLY realise, that you *can't* have it all, as the establishment DNC and Cosmo reading/SATC loving upper-class bimbos believe. You CAN'T live in Santa Monica and The Hamptons UNLESS you were either BORN RICH (in which case, you're a spoiled brat whose daddy and mommy probably cut corners to become wealthy), or you did something dodgy yourself to become rich.

Any other conclusion is an insult to POOR people (you know, the people that GENUINE leftists and progressives *should* be helping).


Geez, are you even asking a question? Seems like you're misunderstanding what I stated on purpose so you can expel word vomit at me. What I stated is: however hot a man is, him sweating isn't something I find hot unless I found him hot before he was sweating, because I find more than appearance hot. Out of shape or in shape doesn't mean anything to me.

Yes I am a woman. And yes we're all aware life isn't Disney, or else I would've tied balloons to my roof years ago.

They want men to be fit and handsome, but they don't want us to sweat, and they want us to be rich, but they don't want us to be unethical, be part of the patriarchy, and take jobs that could go to women, and they want us to shower them with attention, instead of spending too much time at the office
What is the exact number of women you're close to that have said they want this? It's zero, isn't it? Female acquaintances may be saying this to you in hopes you'll give up on attempting to date them, but it's not the reality for most women, it's just a hurdle they're throwing at "nice guys" to get them to back off because they aren't actually all that nice.

Some women don't know how the real world works, and some men don't. I don't get your point here or how it relates to mine. You just want to dump on women despite proclaiming often and loudly that you're a feminist, and for what? I literally never said anything that parallels what you believe women want.

Everything you've noted gives me the strong impression you don't know women and you don't talk to women, or many people for that matter because you don't know how to listen and misunderstand people to make off topic points that don't make any sense. I'm not here for political talk, as I'm not a U.S citizen, but if I were, I would've voted for Bernie Sanders, so again moot point.

No I'm not insulting poor people by not being attracted to any handsome man that sweats, but that's certainly an interesting conclusion to draw.


Depends on what made them sweat 😉


No, sweat is gross.

Signed, million man.


An attractive woman glistening with perspiration and slightly out of breath definitely a turn-on.


Umm, yeah! I find that sexy on men becuz its showing how manly they are!
