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One time I called a woman on the phone who I'd never met

It was in 1997 (I was 22), and my friend BK was at my house and we were bored. I asked him, "What's that woman's name who's always out walking her dog and looks to be in her late 20s or early 30s?" BK knew just about everyone's name because he was from the area and I wasn't, so he knew her name but he'd never met her.

So I looked her up in the phone book (something which wouldn't likely work these days) and called her; told her we wanted to come visit her.

I'm talking to her online right now; this is what she said about that:

Yes, I remember you called me out of the blue one day.

I used to walk a lot and saw you in passing frequently.

I remember at first I wasn't so sure about [letting you coming over] but you wore me down.

She's coming to over to watch a movie tomorrow night; it will be the first time I've seen her since 2015.


You friend BK is male, are you male too? Is or was there ever a sexual relationship with this woman for you, BK or both? Did she seem uneasy when the two of you came to her place to visit that first time? What was the vibe? Was it awkward? What kind of guys are you and your friend? Are you like nerdy dudes or macho womanizer types?

The only thing like this that ever happened to me is one afternoon when we were late teenagers, my buddy and I were walking past an apartment with large floor-to-ceiling windows and we waved to two girls a little older than us who were sitting in the living room of the upper floor. They motioned to us to come upstairs and we sat around talking with them for a couple of hours drinking soda and eating pizza. Nothing further ever came of it.


"You friend BK is male, are you male too?"


"Is or was there ever a sexual relationship with this woman for you, BK or both?"

No; we just became good friends. I used to hang out at her house a lot; watch TV and shoot the breeze. During the North American Ice Storm of 1998 I lost power at my house but she still had power on her side of town. She let me spend the night at her house.

"Did she seem uneasy when the two of you came to her place to visit that first time? What was the vibe? Was it awkward?"

It wasn't awkward for me. She says she was shy back then...

I wouldn't mind being young again but I was extremely shy and no self-esteem back then. I'm a different person now and much more self assured.

... but she didn't strike me as being overly shy. I did most of the talking though. She's wasn't anywhere near as outgoing as me, though I'm only particularly outgoing in certain situations; that being one of them.

"What kind of guys are you and your friend? Are you like nerdy dudes or macho womanizer types?"

Neither, and BK is nothing like me. He was my sidekick. I don't see him much these days. About the only times are when the woman he lives with kicks him out of her house for getting "lippy;" he comes over to my house until she calls him and tells him to come home.

"The only thing like this that ever happened to me is one afternoon when we were late teenagers..."

One time I was driving along a rural road in 1995 or 1996 and a car behind me signaled for me to pull over. Two girls, sisters, came to my window. I can't even remember why they wanted me to pull over; I think they said they thought I was someone else. In any case, I ended up dating the younger of the two for several months, and then a couple years later I dated the older one briefly (they were only about 2 years apart in age).


I don't think this kind of thing happens much today. From what I read on Reddit and other forum sites, young women seem so hung up on the #MeToo thing that they assume every man who shows interest in them is a drooling, violent rapist. It actually surprises me that young men and women still get together in this political climate.


"I don't think this kind of thing happens much today."

Probably not. The entire world is screwy now; sometimes it seems like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode.


I like this story.


Dude, it's 2023, you're going to bring this chick into your life 26 years later? Haven't you ever searched on facebook or wherever for broads you used to date or who were hot way back when?
