My wife

I'm starting this thread to share with you all the mind blowing words of wisdom my wife has blessed me with tonight. I will try to update this thread. Don't hold me to it, though. I get bored easily.

So tonight I made her watch the movie Barbarian 2022. She said it was one of the stupidest movies she has seen. I'll make her watch Tusk tomorrow.

Signed, million man.


You made her watch a movie? Guess you don't understand, "Happy Wife, Happy Life."


What the F, does everyone have some great, amazing 2000 or after Horror that I haven't seen. I thought it was original, on line with It Follows.

Put up, or shut up!


Well we just finished Tusk. She hated them both equally.

Signed, million man.


Be sure to have fish for dinner beforehand.

I love that movie to death. The thing is, the main character is so obnoxious in the beginning that many will be tempted to quit watching - but don't....

Edit: Oh, too late.... ;)

Favorite scene :


I think the first half of the movie was great, the second half was a bit ridiculous.

Signed, million man.


I'm taking suggestions for the next movie. Tusk didn't seem to generate any wisdom this time. Nothing that sticks out anyway. I thought for sure I'd have something here...

Signed, million man.


Every woman likes this movie

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)


Maybe women you date..

Signed, million man.


Try Eric Roberts' Dr. Stalker Lifetime Channel
movie franchise. They're hilariously over-the-top and he most definitely puts his all into his character. No phoning it in for Eric.


I'm looking for something I can actually convince my wife to watch. That seems like a hard sell. But thanks for trying. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for that. I'm looking for something that will elicit funny commentary from her. She does have some funny shit to say.

Signed, million man.


They are easily found on streaming platforms. Here's a list of all of the movies. I hate Lifetime Channel movies but these were great fun. Eric Roberts' character's tantrums are epic LMAO!!!!


Ah TMDB where I first started after IMDB went down. I should have came here first. You can find my posts there if you look hard enough.

Signed, million man.


I'm looking for something that will elicit funny commentary from her. She does have some funny shit to say.

Well these will definitely do that as the plot holes are as wide as the Grand Canyon and as numerous as the stars in the sky.


She did share this video today which I thought was cute.

She then said give me back my corn, bitch!

Signed, million man.


Signed, million man.
