MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > First, Roald, James Bond

First, Roald, James Bond

Some of the revisions are pretty minor, but still, it signals an awful trend. These things start small, next thing you know...It becomes Orwellian. For heaven's sake the Bond books aren't children's books. I don't need someone "fixing" the language.


It always starts out as minor.




It's already Orwellian.


Unfortunately, I think you are right.


BAD move, in a purely commercial sense. Dahl's books are bought by parents who want their children to grow up to be decent human beings, but Bond books are bought by straight men who want to fantasize about breaking all the rules.



Are younger generations so dumb and clueless that they don't know that they can buy tens of thousands of used copies? Or that there'll still be other editions of this book that they can still buy, since this is only for the 70th anniversary?

These kinds of posts are why I'm so suspicious of the posters here at MC. OP, do you know how books work? There are multiple editions of books. This is one edition. Current editions with all the language intact will still be sold. You're exposing yourself here, because if you actually read books and knew anything about them, you'd know that they come in different editions that can all be bought. Nothing about this one will cancel out the other ones. In fact, it if sells poorly, it'll just be a failed experiment and newer editions will keep everything intact. If it does well, it might encourage people who never cared about the franchise to watch the movies.

Point is, stop with your trolling B.S. and do something better with your time than to try to whip people into a frenzy. The only people freaking out about this are kooks. Everyone else is, "And? So we'll just buy a different edition then."


Talk about trolling and trying to whip people into a frenzy. Wow.


I lol'd reading the post.


You are the troll.

You and the other kooks spreading FUD never read a page of Ian Fleming or any other book, for that matter. It's why you're trying to make mountains out of molehills. You have no idea how publishing works. They're going to unroll one special edition of his books. That's all they're doing. Everyone will still be able to buy as many of the original copies as they like.

Now, if you want crawl into a fetal position over all this, that's on you, but stop being a social contagion troll and trying to infect everyone with your paranoid, demented world view.


You're the one making wild proclamations about things you don't know and placing values on people you have no clue about. How is it trolling for me to point that out?


Well the Dahl publishers changed their mind due to fan response . Maybe if enough complain the Bond publishers will as well.


I can't see any sensible justification for altering the text of books written for an adult audience.

I do support informed decision making. So 'trigger warnings' and 'content advice' is fine by me. People are then free to make their own decisions about what they read (and watch too.)

But taking that decision out of people's hands by changing the material? No. Can't support that.

This is what happens when works are thought of primarily as 'intellectual properties' rather than art. Whether it's a good commercial decision or a bad commercial decision, it is entirely a commercial decision. It represents a disturbing philistinism.


People are then free to make their own decisions about what they read (and watch too.)

But taking that decision out of people's hands by changing the material? No. Can't support that.

Another phony trying to spread FUD about something that didn't happen.

No one's decisions are being taken away. One edition of his books are being edited, like has been done since the beginning of publishing. There have always been multiple editions of literature with parts taken in and taken out. It's no different than in music when there are radio edit versions of songs or director's cut vs TV cut vs original theatrical release cuts.

You and everyone else crying about censorship are all phonies. If you really cared about this issue, you'd be starting up a mass campaign encouraging everyone to not buy this anniversary edition and just by an unaltered issue. But none of you guys really care about this issue to be proactive about it. You just want to spread fear and paranoia about how we're a hair away from Fascism. GMAB.
