MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Devo vs. The Residents.......

Devo vs. The Residents.......

......who did the weirdest version of ("I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"?

The Residents:


My choice: obviously The Residents.



Devo is one of my top ten bands of all time.

I like the Residents but I have to be in the mood.

Devo's shtick is to take experimental music and make it more accessible.

Residents are a niche band that don't give a fuck about accessibility.

But yeah, everything The Residents do is "weird".


I don't know a lot by The Residents but Commercial Album was pretty enjoyable (imagine that). A lot of their other stuff just comes off like slop. I like the fringe a good deal but The Residents have been more miss than hit.


The Residents are definately an "acquired" taste. Growing up in the SF Bay Area, I was always aware of them, occasionally hearing them on Dr. Demento & seeing their videos on Night Flight, but they were always a little too out there for me at the time. Last couple of years though, I decided to explore their catalog a little more & have found that they kinda grow on you after a while. I prefer the earlier stuff more than their recent output. You gotta give them credit for forging their own unique direction for 50 years now & sticking to their guns about it.


I loved Devo's aesthetics, showmanship, musicianship. They were tight.


Agreed. And "Mongoloid" is where Devo's punk origin is obvious.


I first heard Mongoloid on the Dr. Demento show in '75😎


Damn, that's even before the Sex Pistols. Yeah, Devo was seminal punk.


I like the Devo version much better, Devo was a really cool, weird band.
The Residents are unfamiliar to me, I do admire their attempt to screw around but it hurt my ears and was hard to listen to.

Fun post!
I just heard Frank Sinatra attempting a George Harrison song and it didn’t sound good at all lol.

Some artists can do great covers, others should stay in their lane.




Everybody at school on Monday was talking about DEVO on Saturday Night Live
