MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Toilet Seat Bidet

Toilet Seat Bidet

Toilet Seat Bidet is a little water nozzle you attach under the toilet seat and it cleans your A-hole.

The Bidet will change your world. Make sure you get one for Hot and Cold water or you will die during winter. It brings you closer to Demolition Man and less like Dances with Wolves. You'll use almost no toilet paper and it's non-electric.


Is there any danger in using one of those thingies in a manner in which it’s not intended?


No Roflmao. There's no danger in accidentally getting plugged by it.


hard pass.


Why? Have you ever used one?


yes, they are popular in italy.


Why don't you like them?

I don't like the separate ones, but they ones that are integrated into the toilet are great.


I have a rental property with a sit down bidet. Its a bizarre contraption and I'm pretty sure all its doing it taking up space in the bathroom lol. I honestly don't think this type of thing will ever take hold in North America, even though its more efficient in cleaning our asses.
