MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 90s Kids Show with Talking Dragon (Puppe...

90s Kids Show with Talking Dragon (Puppet i think but maybe not), maybe PBS?

I remember back in the day they had this talking dragon show were this dragon would fly around then go in this cool room at the end of the intro and read this book that would be a different story. i dont think the dragon was a cartoon instead he was a puppet i believe i seemed like from my foggy memories. i really wanna rewatch this show can anyone help me?




Yeah, sounds like Eureeka's Castle.


it might be but i think it was different but really similar so idk. i remember the dragon flying and stuff before going into his room but i could be wrong


very similar might even be it since my memory is so vague on it but i dont think it is. i never had cable as a kid and i think what i watched was on free tv but it could be this bejng watched at my friends house


Dragon Tales?


naw i watched a bunch of Dragon Tales it was a good show but this one was even better and older, from when i was really little. i think it was a 90s show and i dont think it was animated but could have been


H.R. Pufnstuf


no it was a puppetish show but not like elmo puppet more like painted and realistic looking


Different network though.


I don't know, I don't think this is it but it's so close it really could be


The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon... ?
There are some complete episodes on YouTube:


no it wasnt a human in a puppet outfit. i think it was like a paper matchet or some type of 3d structure made of sometype of material. it had this kinda spookiesh face almost that looked snakelike


Some PBS stations would occasionally run programs produced by the BBC. There was a British children's series called You and Me that featured a dragon named "Duncan." It's possible that your local PBS station carried this.

A handful of episodes are on YouTube. The dragon appears at the 1:18 and 3:00 marks in this video:


okay this is even more close to what i remember. the dragon looked way more like this than any other thing posted yet we are getting really warm. the only difference was i remember his flying (although not very organically just sideways moving around the screen flapping his wings while the background changed behind him) then he went into his castle i believe and would be in this really cool wizard room made of bricks with books and trinkets on the wall. he was like a host, he would say hello then open up a big book and a story would play from the book. whatever it was was definitely inspired by Duncan from this show You and Me. it was so similar to this


If you don't get an answer here on MovieChat there's another route you might try, but it could be very tedious.

Your local library should have your area's newspapers archived on microfilm or some type of digital media. If you can remember the year and the channel which aired this show, go through the TV listings page of the paper from that time period. Just beware this could end up being quite time-consuming.

Another option would be to contact the PBS affiliate that showed this program. They may have a list of shows that ran on their station, or someone there might remember it.

Neither option will be easy and results are not guaranteed. But it might be worth a try.

I hope you find the show.


that tv listings idea is actually a really good one thankyou!! i can find other gems while i am at it looking for this. i love retro tv so much more than modern stuff u never know what u will find in those old tv guides


🙂 You're welcome. Good luck with your search.


thanks a lot!


Dragon Tales????🤔🤔


naw it wasnt a mainstream cartoon that played as regularity scheudaled during my older childhood in the 2000s like Dragon Tales. also it wasnt a cartoon but instead a cardboard paper dragon painted i believe. this show was very old and the memories i have of it are probably from 98 or 99 possibly even earlier



read alee deed alee!!!!!!!!


no way this is it!!!!!!!!!!!


you are amazing thank you so much!!!!!!


haha! it's crazy, I spent hours looking for the answer. I couldn't remember it either and apparently, not too many people have watched it. There are free episodes on YouTube. Enjoy!


thank you so much!! i posted on this forum years ago looking for this show with no luck. so happy and surprised someone found finally found it, always thought i would never watch this show again. u are a lifesaver!! where were u when u watched it back in the day? i saw this in Cleveland suburbs back in the late 90s


Haha! SO glad I could help. I've been looking for a while as well. I typed in every keyword that reminded me of the show on Google before I finally got my answer. Really happy to know other people have watched this show as well- I was starting to think it was all a fever dream haha

I had VHS tapes gifted to me as a child growing up in Brooklyn, NY. I took a family trip to Pakistan when I was around 6/7 years old and remember taking the tapes with me because there really wasn't much to watch on tv there.

This show definitely wasn't on TV and when I tried to look up its history or more info on it- I didn't find much which was a bit disappointing but god bless youtube!

Cant Stop the Pop was the episode I remembered most


i am so thankful that not only u were able to let me know the name of the show but also that all its episodes are still available to watch online. i too started to think it was all a fever dream, so glad it was real and still out there. watched a few episodes with my little brother and sister they seemed to like it also. i feel like a kid again watching this and get so much nostalgia from it. Thank you so much!!!!!
