MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Boromir's guess the famous game #264 [An...

Boromir's guess the famous game #264 [Anton Chigurh is the famous character, tcrum wins!]

1. I'm thinking of some famous figure, it can be a philosopher, politician, entertainer, scientist, fictional character, criminal, animal, being, etc.
2. You need to ask me a yes or no question about this person, for example, "Is the person still alive?," "Does the person work in the entertainment industry?," any question you can think of that helps you to reveal the answer. The host answers with yes or no only.
3. Maximum 1 question and 2 guesses per player per answer.
4. The winner can either start a new game or say "pass." In case of a pass, the OP gets to start another.
5. Can't edit a question or guess once posted. Delete ONLY.

List of mystery persons

1: Fictional? Yes
2: Living? See q1
3: Human? Yes
4: Character created before 1900? No
5: Character originated from a book? Yes
6: Male? Yes
7: Character appears in a movie? Yes
8: Book is by American author? Yes
9: Tragic character? No
10: Evil character? Yes
11: Character created before 1950? No
12: Character created before 2000? No
13: Is the character the enemy of a superhero? No
14: Character created before 2010? Yes
15: Does character have any special powers? No
16: Horror genre? No
17: Is the character from a children's or Young Adult franchise? No
18: Character appears in a TV series? No
19: Character from a novel? Yes
20: A character from Stephen King? No
21: Male author? Yes
22: Character created by Dan Brown? No
23: Is comedy one of the film genres? No
24: Crime genre? Yes
25: Is it a contemporary character (lives in today's world)? I would say he lives in a borderline between time periods
26: Martin Vanger? No
27: Anton Chigurh? Yes!

Tcrum wins with Anton Chigurh, the seemingly unstoppable villain of the novel and movie "No Country For Old Men".

nyctc7 - 57
hownos - 46
Boromir - 36
LauraGrace - 31
Carrot - 31
Kawada_Kira - 28
tcrum - 10
cyberbob - 9
capuchin - 7
sslssg - 3
lud - 2
Bloodshot77 - 2
StoneKeeper - 1
FredBurroughs - 1


Crime genre?


Is it a contemporary character (lives in today's world)?


What did you think of my answer to this question? I agonized over it for a couple minutes. The story is set in 1980. On the one hand, that's quite recent in time and the world of 1980 was very similar to today's world in some ways. But it was also very different in others. The story was set around the time when the Mexico-US drug trafficking route was really heating up, right after the Vietnam War had just ended, as the World War II generation (represented by Sheriff Bell, whose war experience is included in the book but I don't think in the movie) is beginning to fade away and be replaced by the new boomer generation, which at the time was still young. The rise of the Mexican drug cartels and the way it's changed the nature of crime (as well as the more dubious complaint about a decline in society's moral values in general in the increasingly urbanized and liberal post-1960s world) is a big part of the story.


I'm not sure what I would have answered. Maybe "20th century" or "second half of 20th century"

But I'm not sure.


Martin Vanger?


Anton Chigurh




😀. I'm going to pass on hosting.


Ok. Anybody else want to do one, or should I do another?


I'll go ahead and do another.


I really like this excerpt from a review of the book which I found on Goodreads:

“An unsuspecting reader unfamiliar with the story or McCarthy’s work might expect this to be simply a crime novel, and that’s how a good chunk of the story plays at first. Llewellyn may seem like your average good-ole-boy, but he’s also a Vietnam vet who shows a fair amount of caution and smarts even when he’s forced to go on the run. He’s clear eyed enough to know that once he’s taken the money that there’s no going back, and he’s actually got some good survival instincts for this kind of thing. However, for all the determination and capability he shows, and even knowing that he’s put himself in the crosshairs of very dangerous people by taking the money, Llewellyn doesn’t truly understand what he’s gotten himself into.

The actions of those involved in the drug trade at that level have created an ocean of evil and chaos. The satchel full of money is just a bit of debris that washed up on shore that Llewellyn found like a piece of driftwood that he thinks he can scamper off with, and he’ll be fine as long as he stays off the beaches. However, something else lurks in those depths. Maybe it’s something new or maybe it’s something ancient that was awakened by all the noise around it, but this creature won’t stop at the water’s edge. Anton Chigurh strides out of that ocean on two legs but still fully capable of devouring anything in his path with no more thought than a shark gives any fish it chomps. He can swim or run, it makes no real difference to him as long as he gets to eat.

Sheriff Bell has been aware of existence of men like Chigurh, and he’s not sure how to stop them or even if they can be fought. Take a boat out on the those waters and you’ll probably get dragged down into the depths with them. Battle them on the shores and you’re still likely to get pulled in and chewed up. What really worries Bell is that it seems like water is rising, and a lot of people seem willing to dive in so he's pretty well convinced that the entire world is sliding into hell.”
