MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > my cinema ticket stubs

my cinema ticket stubs

just found a pile of tickets from my early 20s when i used to go cinema most weekends
These are the films and dates:

Bill & Teds Bogus journey 14.2.92
Natural Born Killers 13.5.95
Omen iv 24.1.92 (no memory of that!)
Cliffhanger 26.6.93
Bill & Teds Bogus journey 11.1.92 (twice!)
Dragon 24.10.93
Knight Moves 6.9.92
Patriot games 11.10.92
Unlawful Entry 8.11.92
Univesal Soldier 29.8.92
Far & away 6.8.92
Father of the bride 6.3.92 (that was a mistake!)
Housesitter 1.11.92
People under the stairs 18.192
Cool world 1.1.93
A few good men 10.1.93
Lethaw weapon 3 8.8.92
Waynes World 2 6.3.94
Chaplin 17.1.93
Dracula 7.3.93
Loaded wepon 1 8.5.93
Deep cover 31.3.93
Under siege 18.4.93
Best of the Best 2 11.4.93
Assasin 11.7.93 - no memory ! whats this?
Indecent Proposal 7.6.93
Falling down 9.7.93

I used to go quite a lot!
These were mostly near midnight showings as me & my friends used to enjoy late night drive down a dark highway in our shitbox cars to neighbouring town that had one of these newfangled "Multiplex" things , called "UCI"

Havent been to any cinema since Hitch Hikers Guide in 2005 , and probably quite a while before that too!


You were busy from 1992-1994.


I used to do the same a few times a month with my little movie gang long ago...our cars were all banged up as well but we'd have fun

Good times😀


ah , the 93 "Assassin" is the Bridget Fonda remake of La Femme Nikita
Seems to be called "Point of no return" these days


I remember that one, it was pretty entertaining!

Nice cast

I never heard it called Assassin but movie titles are often different depending on region or country


you canadian or british?




makes sense


Some great films there.
Would of loved to see some of those at the cinema especially best of the best and universal soldier.
I was only 11 at the time☹
