MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It seems that movies are piling up durin...

It seems that movies are piling up during and after xmas...

Tenet, Mulan and New Mutants are the only big movies released by now. All of them flopped, Tenet will get close to break even without reaching it, and Mulan and New Mutants flopped really really hard.

Everything else has been delayed. In December you'll have the Woke Bond one, the last Pixar one, the Croods sequel, Dune, the Wonder Woman sequel, Spielberg's West Side Story remake (now with even more diversity), the last Ryan Reynolds one, all of them piling up in the theaters.

All of them together in a few weeks.

It seems to me that most of them are gonna flop. Probably, all of them.


Let’s hope not. All movie lovers should be supporting our beloved industry through this catastrophe, not delighting in its demise.


Beloved industry... I'm afraid, beloved not anymore.


It's hard being a lifelong movie fan and having to deal with the "Wokeness" in movies today. I hope after the threat of COVID diminishes the industry will begin to reset and get back to entertaining instead of lecturing.


Are you sure about Dune? I heard it's next year.



Good news for me. I heard it got pushed.


Synchronic looks interesting.


I want to see Tenet, New Mutants, and the Broken Hearts Gallery. I have been to my local theater four times since July and I have enjoyed the classic movies they have been showing on the Big Screen. I'm only one person and I try to buy some concessions but I try to go once every week or two as its a nice escape from reality.
