MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you spent more, less, or the same s...

Have you spent more, less, or the same since lockdown?

Me, much more in the first month. Had to stock up on food for me and the pup, and a few other things I normally wouldn't have bought. Plus I was already almost out of several things like paper towels, TP, and bleach.

I'd say a good $1k over what I normally spend. Now it's hard to tell because I've moved and need a number of things for my new place, so that doesn't count. I put everything on my cash-back CC, so can't easily separate out the new place stuff from the regular expenses stuff.

How about you?


About the same amount.


Lots less. No where to go and nothing to do.


I've spent a bit less but not noticed much difference as I'm on furlough. So any I would save from not paying for parking and petrol isn't in my bank to begin with. At least I can afford to buy food though, more than some can do. Even managed to donate a £20 bag of cupboard items and hygiene products to the local food bank.


About the same. I spent more on food and less on other stuff.
