MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Would you date a bi-sexual person who ha...

Would you date a bi-sexual person who has had serious relationships with the same sex?

So if you're a girl, date a guy who once had a long term relationship with a man.
If you're a man, a girl who once had a long term relationship with a woman.

I think that despite people being very 'pro gay' these days, it would make it a little more troublesome.

Like will they still need a little 'action on the side' because of their bisexuality?

Would you allow this 'open relationship?' If not, could you trust them?

Also if they were to leave you and return to someone of the same sex, that might be strange.

I think a lot of guys take it hard when their woman leaves them for another woman.


What makes a bisexual person more likely to be unfaithful than a heterosexual person? If the person you are dating is honest enough to come clean about their past sexual experiences, you have to give them the benefit of the doubt that they would also be true to their word if they promise to be faithful.

"Also if they were to leave you and return to someone of the same sex, that might be strange." That clearly shows you are only seeing this from a heterosexual viewpoint. What if you're gay and the person you are dating leaves you for a member of the opposite sex? You could flip it around any way. Point is, human relationships can be tricky regardless of who you're attracted to.


at this point in my life, i'd be happy if i could meet a woman who could spend 5 minutes with me without vomiting in disgust, so...y'know, i'm in no position to say no to anyone.

so i'm probably the wrong person to ask.


Only if they let me watch/hear every time.


It is all about trust.

Most hetrosexual couples don't want their lover spending time alone with another member of the opposite sex. They are a potential rival for their affections. Even if they really trust them, it probably becomes a issue if it occurs with the same person often.

So dating a bisexual inherently has incredible trust issues.

Is this person your lover is hanging out with just a friend or a potential romantic rival?

If you can deal with that issue you are scott free. It is safe to say most people can't.


No, not a chance.



I would date a hot lesbian and she could do whatever she wants but I should probably clear this all with my wife first...I'm sure it will go well๐Ÿ‘
