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What are some of your most frightening movie moments?

I’m talking about moments or scenes in movies that paralyzed you with fear...absolutely frightened you. Gave you the chills, made your stomach drop.

I have quite a few from growing up, but a few that really stand out to me:

1) Zelda in Pet Semetary (1989). She scared the hell out of me as a little kid, and still to this day as a 36 year old man I’m scared to death of that woman. Haha. Everything about her. To me, quite possibly the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in a film. The whole backstory of the character, the voice (“Rachhhelll”), the grotesque appearance, the creepy running across the room with that evil laugh. Ugh. That was brilliant horror. Everything they did in that original film with Zelda was amazing.

2) The Exorcist - head flip back, neck lump, and eye roll. You know the scene. That’s when The Exorcist got real to me, and it didn’t let up until the end of the film from there. Once again, that voice change and growl. Scary as hell to me, especially the first time you see it.

3) The Omen (1976) - When Lee Remick’s character is leaving the hospital towards the end of the movie, and has a surprise guest. The terrifying music, the bad lady’s evil face, and of course, the result of the scene. That scared the crap out of me!

4) The Shining - When the beautiful woman in the bathtub reveals herself to be a rotting corpse. I must have an issue with evil laughs, because that is another one that gives me the chills. Scared the daylights out of me. Still watch that scene with my eyes squinted, lol.

5) Jaws - Ben Gardner’s head coming out of the boat under the water. Possibly the best jump scare of all time. Of course, jump scares lose their power after you know they’re coming, but there’s nothing like that first time, haha.

Anybody else have some movie scenes that at one time or have always terrified you? Or even want to elaborate on the ones I mentioned? I’m bored watching horror movies on Amazon Prime, and it got me thinking about my personal scariest movie moments.


Everything in the original Exorcist for nine straight years.


The Woman in Black. The 1989 version - not the remake. Mr Kidd is in the graveyard and the he feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He cups the back of his neck with his hand and spins around and she’s there. Staring at him. Glaring at him. Hating him.


Hmm. Sounds a bit like me. Lately.


I’ve never seen that one. Sounds creepy though. I’ll have to check it out.

I’m freaked out by any scenes where someone evil is staring at someone else. Haha. Especially when someone wakes up in bed to see someone looking at them from the foot of the bed...that’s something that was always a good scare.

The bent neck lady in the Netflix series “The Haunting of Hill House” was a good recent example of the standing at the foot of the bed scare.


Please do watch this one then if you like older horror. It’s quite a slow build and atmospheric. Don’t read up on it beforehand.


I love old horror films. I’ll check it out, and no problem, won’t read a thing about it.


There was a similar question not long ago here, and my answer was the hibo behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive, because it's a jumpscare in a movie where you wouldn't expect a jumpscare.
I also got the chills when the baby crawling on the ceiling turns his head in Trainspotting.

I think you'd like The VVitch (2015). Nasty old lady with an evil laugh.


When I saw The Omen, the scene that bothered me was when the sheet of glass decapitated someone. Seemed brutal and gratuitous. Fun movie in it's way, but not good in an artistic view.


Yeah, that’s a shocking scene. That one also got to me. It came out of nowhere. The original “The Omen” was a gem of a horror film. I thought it was great, and very scary.

The actor decapitated in that scene was Professor Jordan Perry from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze. Lol. He was also Billy Zane’s right hand man in Titanic.


“Whose hand was I holding?” The haunting (1963)
Also, those fuzzy sticks in Blair witch, and the ending.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose - When Emily’s boyfriend wakes up in the middle of the night and finds Emily all contorted on the floor.

Jurassic Park - another great jump scare is when the goat’s leg falls on the sunroof.


Great pick! I know exactly the scene you’re talking about. Emily Rose has a few great creepy moments like that.


Laura Dern's hideous distorted smile in Inland Empire freaked the shit outta me
