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Movies about this pandemic

What will they focus on? Will they be personal stories about certain people affected by the virus or the teams of hospital workers fighting to save lives? Will take a large scale view of it with multiple stories running parallel? What are the most dramatic things about this? It is not like a tsunami or a terrorist attack which provide these big screen moments of terror. The effects of the pandemic are disastrous because they are cumulative and insidious.

Which tv shows will incorporate the pandemic into their plots? I can see the medical dramas, like The Good Doctor and Grey’s Anatomy, doing an entire season on corona stories.



I'm more interested in how it affects films in a less on-the-nose way.

Maybe films about paranoia will surge in the years after. Intentional or from the subconscious, these things always bubble up in the art in some form.


we will see a bunch of pandemic and social isolation movies.


We don't even know how the story ends yet.


I want to see a movie about a billionaire trying to live out a plague on his yacht. I want to see plague break out on board among his staff, I want to see them attacked by modern sea pirates, and I want the billionaire to die a horrific and emotionally satisfying death in the last act.

The hero of the film would not be the billionaire, of course, the billionaire would be the main villain. But the hero of the film would be plucky young crew member who would survive and prosper, along with an attractive member of the opposite sex.


The pirates are good - any chance of shoehorning in zombies, spaceships, robots, lasers and maybe some superheroes 🦸‍♂️ ?


Well MY imaginary pandemic doesn't have any zombies, spaceships, or superheroes, put them in your own imaginary pandemic movie!

But yeah, there might be scope for a few lasers and robots in mine, because what kind of tech billionaire's yacht is complete without some extremely expensive toys and tech that isn't on the market? Yeah, the vile billionaire character has robot servants as well as human ones, and is more concerned about keeping the robots functioning than the health of his human crew members. And of course the billionaire is aware that there are still pirates in the modern world, so he's got some laser canons on his huge yacht, and which can blow up at least one pirate ship before failing at a critical moment.

Maybe I'll throw some live volcanoes into my imaginary movies. I love volcanoes.


Still not enough CGI for modern audiences. How about introducing a sea creature (possibly mythical).


Actually, I think CGI-heavy films are going to be a thing of the past, starting now... now, two or three weeks ago. With so many theaters closed by law (now) or out of business (later this year), it'll be a while before the studios give movies a hundred-million-dollar special effects budget again.

My film can be made for a reasonable budget in a post-pandemic world! A few cramped sets to represent the yacht and provide a claustrophobic atmosphere, a lot of shots of empty sea, some good actors who won't be able to charge millions with the film industry in chaos, some gunfights and explosions and robot props. And a live volcano, which is part stock footage and part CGI. All doable on a moderate budget.

I'm still interested in hearing your idea for a superhero/zombie/sea monster pandemic film.


Apologies - I was poking fun at the current state of cinema.

On a serious note, could one of the staff be in league with the pirates?


I'd love to hear any ideas you have for a pandemic film, or that anyone here has, because it's actually a difficult subject to tackle. How do you make a worldwide invisible danger and the resulting isolation and unhappiness into two hours of fun? Because yeah, if you don't like the current state of movies stay tuned because it's all about to change, both the finances and the zeitgeist have been upended in a matter of days.

And yeah, someone in the billionaire's entourage could totally be in league with the pirates, if not everyone. Like his ambitious VP, or the wife who'd rather be a widow than an ex-wife.


Imagine if Michael Bay was directing it.
