MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If the pandemic goes on for long...

If the pandemic goes on for long...

Do they (government) actually expect us to continue suppressing our most intimate desires? Are singles really going to be expected to stay celibate the whole time since social distancing is being encouraged and even enforced? There's no way I'm going to stay celibate. I would rather die of covid 19 than lead an existence getting it on with palmala handerson or sex toys for months or even years.


I don’t know what the government expects, but I enjoyed your post. Just do what you gotta do man. I know a lot of dudes that have tapped some nasty broads without a condom. I’m sure covid beats aids right?


What you need to ask yourself is what are you doing wrong that you don't have a single "friends with benefits" available to you.


There's no such thing as a "friend with benefits" lol. I have a gf, but it's complicated.


Sure there is..I've lived it.
The catch is that you really have to like the opposite sex apart from just sex.


Your kidding yourself. Your just complicating things by emphasizing not focusing on sex. I'm content with having a sexless relationship with many other women, like my female relatives and coworkers and so on. If I'm going to be with someone (a woman being straight), that I want to have sex with and suspect she wants to as well, then I want no hang up's and conditions, just good old sex lol.


fwb is for sure a thing.


Well isn't a gf or bf a friend with benefits? Or a spouse for that matter? From what I have gathered, an fwb is supposed to mean two people more less just get together to have sex. And that there's no expectations beyond that. So in other words, they're not expected to develop any meaningful feelings for each other aside from enjoying each other for sex lol. Well I once heard it from a woman, who said unless the two lovers are complete sociopaths, that's not possible and I believe her. One is bound to develop stronger feelings at some point.


no its just like a friend, any friend, and sometimes you have sex. You dont move in together, you dont get a pet. your just friends who sometimes hook up. you are free to sleep with other people. and are generally just free.


my son dates a nurse who works in a nursing home. they have had no cases. i am sure they are carrying on as normal.


There is something called "masterbation".
