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Is the US too lax in its handling of this crisis?

Everything I’ve read says we are way behind the curve in terms of protective measures and lockdowns, even behind where Italy was at our stage of development. At this point, the economy is fucked. Why not just shut down the entire country? Better safe than sorry, every health expert in the world has advised us to do so. Yet all I see are slow, incremental steps, nothing is being enforced. People are still going about their daily lives, the roads are packed and aside from the closed businesses people are doing everything BUT staying at home.


Shutting down the country is not the answer. Also, the numbers don't add up to the US being too lax. When Trump shut down travel with China, people tried to call him racist. When he shut it down with Europe, they called him hasty. The numbers don't add up to the hysteria the media sell. Per capita, for every million people, only 409 people are infected.


Those numbers aren’t accurate because we have no tests. What has trump besides close the boarders and cost us months?


Those numbers are accurate. As for Trump, I can give you a laundry list of what he's done to mitigate a total disaster, but I assume you'll dismiss that as well, seeing that you will dismiss data.


I’m not an anti trumper, and I’m beyond sick of every humanitarian crisis being politicized. It’s incredibly tacky and bullshit, it takes so much focus away from fixing the actual problem.


No, This bastard spreads like shit on a pound coin £


What? I said are they being too LAX not too aggressive.




I traditionally vote republican. I took off work and cried like a baby the day of Reagan’s funeral so you know I’m not a liberal just playing politics.

We dropped the ball in my opinion.

In the US we have had the opportunity to watch other countries battle this and see what works and what doesn’t because we are a couple of weeks, and longer in some cases, behind them. I do think it seems like we are ramping up testing and production of ventilators now. I guess we will just see if the measures in place were done in time and enough.


You think it’s going to get a lot worse?


I think all the quarantining that was put in place will not show results for a few weeks. Also out increase in testing will show a spike in cases but will also be saving lives.

Thing are going to get worse in most places in the US for a couple of weeks and hopefully start to flatten out.


Trump just extended the social distancing to April 30.


It's physical distancing now. It's clearer that way.


I hereby predict that, should the numbers get worse in the US in the next 10 days, the powers that be will institute strict quarantine orders in areas hardest hit with other areas restricted as needed.
Hold me to it.
I'm worried that it might happen. I truly hope people are taking this Very seriously.

Wash your hands! 😀


I think the numbers will get higher, but that's primarily due to all the testing that's going on now. I don't think it'll relate to it spreading more than it did before the testing.

I think if everyone had been able to be tested at the beginning of February, we'd have seen a lot of cases that would have been proven to be this virus. We'd have also known that the recovery rate is higher than what we think now.

From my experience out in the world, people are taking it very seriously. A few weeks ago, not as much. Everything was new and a lot of people didn't know how to conduct themselves, or they'd forget, or they were simply in denial.

IMO most of us are all on board now 👍

And wash 'em for well, 20 seconds!
